
标签: 新几内亚 发现 物种 | 发表时间:2011-06-28 20:20 | 作者:wwjun 慧

来源Pictures: Thousands of New Species Found in New Guinea

Pictures: Thousands of New Species Found in New Guinea


"Striking" Damselfish


Photograph courtesy G.R. Allen, WWF


The damselfish Chrysiptera cymatilis is one of 1,060 new species found on or near the island of New Guinea (see map) between 1998 and 2008, according to a new report. Earth's largest tropical island is divided between Indonesia in the west and Papua New Guinea in the east.

根据最新报告,小热带鱼Chrysiptera cymatilis是1998至2008年间在新几内亚岛(见地图)附近发现的1060种新物种之一。地球上最大的热带岛屿位于西部的印度尼西亚和东部的巴布亚新几内亚之间。

The "striking" blue fish, found in 1999, lives in the pristine Coral Triangle, a region that supports the most diverse marine ecosystems on Earth, according to the report Final Frontier: Newly Discovered Species of New Guinea (1998—2008), by the conservation organization WWF.


"If you look at New Guinea in terms of biological diversity, it is much more like a continent than an island," Neil Stronach, program representative for WWF Western Melanesia, said in a statement.

“如果你从生物多样性方面来观察新几内亚,它更像一块陆地,而不是一个小岛。”世界自然基金会西美拉尼西亚的项目代表Neil Stronach在一份报告中说到。

"Scientists found an average of two new species each week from 1998 [to] 2008—nearly unheard of in this day and age." (See pictures of more new species found in Papua New Guinea, including a "Yoda bat.")


However, poorly planned and unsustainable development on New Guinea—for example, logging and agriculture—is jeopardizing the future of many of these species, the report emphasized.


Giant Bent-Toed Gecko


Photograph courtesy Paul Ritchie, WWF

图片提供:Paul Richie,世界野生生物基金会

Some 43 new reptile species were found on New Guinea during the report's ten-year period, including this giant bent-toed gecko, discovered in 2001 in Indonesia.


New Guinea, which scientists consider one of the world's "last truly unspoilt tropical wildernesses," covers less than 0.5 percent of Earth's landmass but is home to 6 to 8 percent of its species, according to WWF.


(Related pictures: "New Frogs, Tree Kangaroos Thrive in New Park.")


Fleshy-Flowered Orchid


Photograph courtesy Wayne Harris, WWF

图片提供:Wayne Harris,世界野生生物基金会

The fleshy-flowered orchid (Cadetia kutubu) is one of eight new orchid species found in New Guinea's Kikori region during the decade-long survey.

肉质花兰(Cadetia kutubu)是经过长达十年的调查,在新几内亚的基科里地区发现的八个新兰花品种之一。

The island's rain forests burst with some of the world's highest plant diversity—a hundred new orchid species were officially described between 1998 and 2008 alone.


(Related pictures: "Exotic New Orchids Discovered in New Guinea.")


Turquoise Lizard


Photograph courtesy Lutz Obelgonner, WWF

图片提供:Lutz Obelgonner,世界野生生物基金会

Sporting a "mesmerizing pattern of turquoise and blue," the monitor lizard Varanus macraei was discovered on the island of Batanta, off the Peninsula of Papua, in 2001.

有着“绿色和蓝色相间迷人图案”的巨蜥Varanus macraei与2001年发现于远离巴布亚半岛的巴丹塔岛。

Reaching up to 3.3 feet (a meter) long, the species "is one of the most spectacular reptile discoveries anywhere," according to WWF.


Rainbow Fish


Photograph courtesy G.R. Allen, WWF


New Guinea has some of the most beautiful freshwater fish found anywhere, including tiny and vibrantly colored rainbow fish, according to WWF.


Seven new species of rainbow fish, including Chilatherina alleni (pictured) were found in New Guinea during the ten-year period.

十年间,在新几内亚发现了包括Chilatherina alleni (图片所示)在内的7种彩虹鱼的新品种。

(See picture: "New 'Rainbow Glow' Jellyfish Found.")


Blue-Eyed Spotted Cuscus


Photograph courtesy Tim Flannery, WWF

图片提供:Tim Flannery,世界野生生物基金会

The blue-eyed spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus wilsoni) is a small possum that was found in 2004 on Indonesian New Guinea.

蓝眼斑袋貂(Spilocuscus wilsoni)是一种小型袋貂,于2004年发现于印度尼西亚的新几内亚岛。

Overall, the island hosts the highest diversity of tree-dwelling marsupials in the world, with an incredible 38 species, WWF says.


Snub-Fin Dolphin


Photograph courtesy Guido J. Parra, WWF

图片提供:Guido J.Parra,世界野生生物基金会

Scientists made an unexpected discovery in the waters south of New Guinea in 2005: a new species of dolphin called the snub-fin.


Originally thought to be a member of the Irrawaddy dolphins, researchers later determined that snub-fins are their own species, with a different coloration, skull shape, and fin and flipper measurements. (Also read about a snub-nosed monkey that was found and eaten in Myanmar.)


The snub-fin was the first new dolphin species found anywhere in at least three decades. (Related pictures: "Few Remaining River Dolphins Indicators of River, Human Health.")


Wattled Smoky Honeyeater


Photograph courtesy Bruce Beehler, WWF

图片提供:Bruce Beehler,世界野生生物基金会

The wattled smoky honeyeater was found in 2005 during a Conservation International expedition into the mist-shrouded Foja Mountains of Indonesia's Papua Province.


The region is "as close to the Garden of Eden as you're going to find on Earth," expedition leader Bruce Beehler is quoted as saying in the WWF report.

这个地区是“人间的伊甸园”,探险队队长Bruce Beehler在世界野生生物基金会上作报告时引用的一句话。

(Related pictures: "New Species Found in "Lost World": Pinocchio Frog, More.")


The bird avoided detection for so long for two reasons: Few villagers had ventured into what they consider sacred mountains, and the species—unusual among honeyeaters—doesn't make much noise.


"Magnificent" Orchid


Photograph courtesy Bob Bower, B2 Photography/WWF

图片提供:Bob Bower,B2摄影/WWF

The "magnificent" pink orchid Dendrobium limpidum was formally named in 2003.

这种“华丽的”粉红色兰花Dendrobium limpidum正式命名于2003年。

Despite the recent recognition, theDendrobium limpidum flower and other natural riches on New Guinea may soon disappear. Between 1972 and 2002, about 24 percent of Papua New Guinea's rain forests were cleared or degraded by logging or subsistence agriculture, according to the WWF report.

尽管最近才承认,新几内亚的Dendrobium limpidum和其他宝贵的自然资源可能很快就会消失。在1972年到2002年间,由于伐木和赖以生存的农业生产,巴布亚新几内亚的热带雨林减少或退化了24%左右,根据世界野生生物基金会报告。

(See rain forest pictures.)









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