
标签: 国家地理 徒步旅行 | 发表时间:2011-07-06 20:55 | 作者:狂暴的猩猩 Birdy

来源Your Hiking Photos

Photo: Hiker in Big Sur

Big Sur, California


Photograph by Ted Distel, My Shot

图片来源:Ted Distel, My Shot

While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the light filtered through the trees to create this magical picture.


(This photo and caption were submitted to My Shot.)

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: Hikers in Mount Rainer National Park


Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Photograph by David Whelan,
My Shot

图片来源:David Whelan, My Shot

I took this picture in Washington's Mount Rainier National Park. My wife and I were on a winter mountaineering trip, with the goal of summiting. However, the unfavorable weather and huge base of snow meant the avalanche risk was too high to try. Lucky for us, we had plenty of time to enjoy the amazing scenery. I took this picture at an elevation of about 6,500 feet (9,181 meters), on the way back to Paradise Inn. The Tatoosh Range rises in the distance.

我在华盛顿的瑞尼尔山国家森林公园拍下了这张照片,我和妻子当时正在进行冬季登山旅行,准备登山最高峰。然而,糟糕的天气和大量堆积的雪使我们不得不放弃之前的打算。幸运的是,我们有着充足的时间来欣赏这神奇的美景。我在海拔6500英尺(9181米)处拍下了这幅照片,刚好在返回天堂旅馆的路上。远方高处的是Tatoosh 山脉。

(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Overlooking Grinnell Lake on the trail to the Grinell Glacier


Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park


Photograph by Ralph Lao,
My Shot

图片来源:Ralph Lao, My Shot

A hiker takes in a spectacular view of Grinnell Lake on the trail to the Grinnell Glacier in Montana's Glacier National Park.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: Hiker standing under sunlight


The Narrows, Zion National Park

Photograph by Dayna Ferrone, My Shot

图片来源:Dayna Ferrone, My Shot

This photo was taken midday in southern Utah's Zion National Park. I was hiking through the Narrows, which is a water trail, when I decided to snap this shot of my sister. The lighting in this photo is amazing—everything happened exactly at the right moment in time.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

My brother Jim, Jumping over a stream on a hike in Hawaii


Hawaiian Leap

Photograph by Jere Folgert, 
My Shot

图片来源:Jere Folgert, My Shot

My brother jumps over a stream on a hike in Hawaii.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: Headlamps streak the night sky


Glacier Peak Wilderness, Washington

Photograph by Jason Groepper, 
My Shot

图片来源:Jason Groepper, My Shot

In an attempt at light painting, we used our headlamps to illuminate the dark landscape on a recent backpacking trip to Spider Gap and Buck Creek Pass in Glacier Peak National Wilderness.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: A hiker in a slot canyon


Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Photograph by Travis Morarend, 
My Shot

图片来源:Travis Morarend, My Shot

A hiker navigates the slot canyons of Wall Street in Utah's Bryce Canyon National Park


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: A hiker in waterfall mist


Yosemite National Park, California

Photograph by Sonny Esquibel, 
My Shot

图片来源:Sonny Esquibel, My Shot

While hiking on a hot summer day in Yosemite, the cooling mist of Vernal Fall was truly welcomed and appreciated.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)

Photo: Hikers in front of a lake


Lake Louise, Banff National Park

Photograph by Robert Vitols, 
My Shot

图片来源:Robert Vitols, My Shot

Hikers pause to take in the majestic view overlooking Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.


(This photo and caption were submitted to
My Shot

(图片和标注来自My Shot)









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来源Your Hiking Photos. 图片来源:Ted Distel, My Shot. While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the light filtered through the trees to create this magical picture..


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           青少年的大脑. 构思巧妙的大脑情绪多变,冲动任性,招人讨厌. 进化理论告诉我们,青少年最令人恼火的个性却可能是他们成年后成功的关键. 虽然你们知道你十几岁的孩子会做点出格的事,但是听了他们做的有些事,你还是会感觉很震惊. 不久前5月的一个晴朗的早晨,我17岁的大儿子,打电话告诉我,他刚刚在州警局呆了几小时.

【国家地理】“生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛

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来源Reader Photo Contest Winners - National Geographic Adventure Magazine. “生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛. 检验查我们的读者所拍摄的最为冒险的照片. 读者:Chris England,46岁,内华达州. 拍摄现场:形成的云层汇聚在锡安国家公园的砂岩和一棵杰克松的上面.


- Allen - 有意思吧
        国家地理“每日一图”(Photo of The Day,简称NGPOD)始于2001年4月21日,每天向大家提供一幅配有背景资料介绍的国家地理杂志上的照片,内容涉猎广泛,可谓包罗万象. 这些具有开拓性的、惊世骇俗的照片不但是《国家地理》杂志不容置疑的品质保证,也作为一项核心要素,形成了国家地理独特而强大的感召力.


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来源Brain Pictures, Brain Photos -- National Geographic. 摄影:Fred Hossler/格蒂图片. The human brain is a 3-pound (1.4-kilogram) mass of jelly-like fats and tissues—yet it's the most complex of all known living structures.