
标签: 国家地理 人类 头脑 | 发表时间:2011-08-02 09:32 | 作者:3yan2yu 3g

来源Brain Pictures, Brain Photos -- National Geographic

Human Brain


Photograph by Fred Hossler/Getty Images

摄影:Fred Hossler/格蒂图片

The human brain is a 3-pound (1.4-kilogram) mass of jelly-like fats and tissues—yet it's the most complex of all known living structures. Up to one trillion nerve cells work together and coordinate the physical actions and mental processes that set humans apart from other species.


Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord


Image by 3D4Medical.com/Getty Images

摄影: 3D4Medical.com/格蒂图片

A rear view of the skull reveals the brain and the cervical spinal cord, which function together as the central nervous system. The remarkable apparatus uses motor neurons to control the body's many muscles and enables humans to perform myriad physical activities.


Brain's Neural PathwaysBrain's Neural Pathways


Image by 3D4Medical.com/Getty Images

摄影: 3D4Medical.com/格蒂图片

The human brain may contain up to one trillion neurons. These nerve cells are interconnected, as shown in this microscopic image, so that they can transmit electrical impulses—and information—to other cells.

Brain MRI Scan

Photograph by Ken Glaser/Corbis

摄影:Ken Glaser/考比斯

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques provide an extremely detailed, 3-D view of a living brain. The technique is critical for identifying abnormalities such as tumors, spotting the warning signs of some brain diseases, and revealing the extent of trauma from strokes.

Slice of Human Brain

Photograph by Cary Wolinsky

摄影:Cary Wolinsky

Thanks to precision cutting techniques, researchers are able to examine a paper-thin slice of human brain. Surgeons can also cut living brains without fear of hurting their patients—the organ is incapable of feeling pain.

Brain Tumor Removal

Photograph by Cary Wolinsky

摄影:Cary Wolinsky
Skillful surgeons at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, remove a tumor from a woman's brain. Malignant tumors indicate often lethal brain conditions, but even nonmalignant growths can preempt normal brain activity. Any tumor may compress regions of the brain and increase internal pressure, upsetting the organ's delicate functional balance.

Brain Surgery Patient

Photograph by Joe McNally/Getty Images

摄影:Joe McNally/格蒂图片

A Baltimore, Maryland, epileptic patient performs tests designed to identify the source of his seizures. Surgeons placed electrodes in his brain that will record which parts of the organ become active when he performs a variety of physical and mental tasks.






  为什么大多数动物绝经后即死去 而人类绝经后能继续生存



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