
标签: 免费 windows 应用程序 | 发表时间:2010-12-17 20:55 | 作者:gailling mgo

来源Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010 [Best Of 2010]

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


We've featured quite a few Windows downloads throughout 2010. Here's a look back at the most popular free applications to help you tweak, customize, and enhance your Windows experience

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


Photo remixed from an original by Matt Katzenberger

图片节选自 Matt Katzenberger的原创作品

The following applications, like all the articles in our Best Of series, are selected by the amount of traffic each article gathered over the course of the year. Some of the applications are brand new, some are reincarnations of older tools, and some are updates and enhancements to existing applications. Here's a look back at the 16 most popular free Windows applications of 2010.


Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot, Fix System Slowdowns


Soluto tracks your boot time and gives you the break down on what applications are causing hang ups-including grouping them into "No-Brainger" and "Potentially Removable" groups for easy weeding.

Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot, Fix System Slowdowns


LookInMyPC Is a Must-Have Tool for Computer Troubleshooting


LookInMyPC is an at-a-glance tool that puts all your system information-in detail-right in front of you. You can find all this information by digging through your computer with various Windows tools, of course, but it's extremely convenient to have everything in one place.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


Snow Transformation Pack Makes Your Windows Desktop Look Like Mac OS X

白雪转换包(Snow Transformation Pack)能让你的Windows桌面看起来像Mac OS X

You like the look of Mac OS X but you want to stick with windows-for work, for gaming, for a deep seated sense that Steve Jobs is out to get you. Snow Transformation Pack overhauls the Windows interface to look like OS X. This isn't just a lame icon pack, this is a total transformation.

Snow Transformation Pack Makes Your Windows Desktop Look Like Mac OS X

你喜欢Mac OS X的界面但是你想坚持用Windows系统--因为为了工作和游戏,更为了那种乔布斯(苹果总裁)。白雪转换包对Windows界面进行彻底检修来使它看起来像OS X。这个软件绝不是一个蹩脚的图标转换包,而是一个十足的彻底转变。

FlashHacker Keeps Flash Videos in Full Screen on Your Dual Monitors

Flash黑客(FlashHacker) 能够让Flash视频在你的双显示器上全屏显示

You wouldn't think it would be so hard to enjoy flash video in full screen on your secondary monitor, but without tools like FlashHacker it's quite a headache. Enjoy South Park in full screen on your extra monitor while working in your primary.

                         Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


CCleaner Enhancer Makes CCleaner Even Better, Now Cleans 270 New Apps

CClearner强化器(CCleaner Enhancer)让你的CCLeaner更加强大,现在能够修复270个新应用了

What could make the popular computer cleaning and tweaking application CCleaner even better? CCleaner Enhancer extends the reach of CCleaner by expanding its database of programs and the digital debris they leave behind.

CCleaner Enhancer Makes CCleaner Even Better, Now Cleans 270 New Apps


ZeuApp Downloads 82 Awesome Open Source Apps


If you love open source apps and you want an easy way to download them in bulk (or introduce a friend to the gift of open source), ZeuApp makes it dead simple to batch download 82 great open-source applications.

ZeuApp Downloads 82 Awesome Open Source Apps


Google Map Buddy Generates High Resolution, Full Size Area Maps

谷歌地图兄弟(Google Map Buddy)生成高分辨率,全尺寸地区地图

Google Map Buddy is a free and portable application with a singular focus: leaching high-res captures from Google Maps. If you've ever wanted to wallpaper your office with a map of the downtown, now's your chance.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


Steam Mover Relocates Applications to Free Up Space on Your Primary Drive

蒸汽原动机(Steam Mover)能将你的应用们搬家,为你的主驱动器腾出空间

Steam Mover is a handy application, originally designed for gamers, that makes it dead simple to move infrequently used applications from your primary drive to a secondary drive. It's not 100% foolproof but it works really well for most applications.

Steam Mover Relocates Applications to Free Up Space on Your Primary Drive


Ei.cfg Removal Utility Lets You Use Any Product Key With Your Windows 7 Disc

Ei.cfg 移动功能(Ei.cfg Removal Utility)能让你使用任意的产品激活码配套你的Windows 7 光碟

Windows 7 install discs are edition specific-unless you use Ei.cfg. If you've got a valid disc but the wrong edition key you can still use the disc to install the right edition for the key you have. It's an invaluable tool when you've got valid discs, valid keys, but not in matching editns.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010

Windows 7安装光碟对版本都是有特定要求的--除非你用Ei.cfg。如果你有张有效光盘但是版本激活码错误的话,你仍然能以这个激活码用这张碟安装上正确的版本。如果你有有效的光盘,有效的激活码但是版本不匹配的话,这个软件就能解决问题啦.

ToneCheck Stops You from Sending Passive Aggressive (or Plain Aggressive) Emails


ToneCheck is an Outlook plug-in that checks the tone and word selection of your email and warns you before you fire off an email you might regret. Although the idea is promising our testing yielded mixed results-human emotion and intention are, after all, quite difficult for a computer to analyze.



HTC Home Brings the HTC Weather Widget to Windows 7

 HTC Home 将HTC天气预报小精灵带进Win 7

If you're a big fan of the HTC mobile phone interface HTC Home puts the clock and weather widget from HTC phones right on your desktop.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010

如果你是HTC手机界面的粉丝,那么HTC Home将HTC手机上的始终和天气小精灵呈现在你的电脑桌面上。

uTorrent 2.0 Brings Performance Updates, Bandwidth Control, UDP Support, and More

uTorrent 2.0有升级性能,带宽调节,UDP支持等更多功能

uTorrent is a wildly popular BitTorrent client, earlier this year it updated to version 2.0 and brought a host of new features including bandwidth management, UDP support, and other improvements.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010


Pale Moon Is a Faster Firefox Clone for Windows

白月光(Pale Moon)是针对Windows的火狐克隆品,但比火狐更快!

If you love Firefox but you'd like it to be a little snappier, Pale Moon is a Firefox clone optimized for speed. It's a Windows-specific build and it clocks in at 25% faster than a stock Firefox install.

Pale Moon Is a Faster Firefox Clone for Windows


Disk Space Fan Analyzes Hard Drive Space with a Dash of Eye Candy

磁盘空间扇(Disk Space Fan)用糖果色特效呈现硬盘空间分析结果

Your hard drive is full again and you're not sure why. Out of control temp files? Overly complete Hello Kitty collection? Disk Space Fan gives you a quick and dirty visual analysis of your hard drive usage. Once you scan a drive you can drill down quickly to see what folders and sub-folders are sucking up what disk space.

Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010

你的硬盘又满了但你又不知道原因。失控的临时文件?过于完全的Hello Kitty收藏?磁盘空间风扇为你呈现一个临时应急的(粗略的)硬盘使用情况分析。一旦你扫描你的硬盘,你能快速继续深入的找出那些占用你硬盘空间的文件和子文件们。

Freemake Is a Remarkably Simple, Yet Feature-Filled Video Converter and Editor


There are a lot of video conversion apps floating around. Freemake stands out thanks to a dead simple interface that guides even the greenest video converting newbie through the process without a hiccup. Whether you're converting for your iPod, your cell phone, or burning to a DVD, Freemake has a simple workflow you can follow.

Freemake Is a Remarkably Simple, Yet Feature-Filled Video Converter and Editor

市面上有许多的视频转换器。Freemake能够鹤立鸡群多亏于它极其简单的操作界面能引导即便是最新手的视频转换菜鸟不卡壳地来完成转换。无论你是为你的IPod, 手机还是刻制一张DVD,Freemake都告诉给你最简单明了的工作流程。

MultiBootISOs Boots Multiple Operating Systems from a USB Drive

MultiBootISOs 能加强USB设备里的多重操作系统

If you're up in the air on which OS you want to run off your thumb drive MultiBootISOs enables multi-boot support on your USB devices. You can load as many operating systems as your thumb drive can hold and select between them at boot.

        MultiBootISOs Boots Multiple Operating Systems from a USB Drive

在如果你像在飞机上读写你的U盘,MultiBootISOs 支持USB设备的多重启动。你的U盘能装多少你就能负荷多少操作一同,还可以启动时在它们直接选择。



Have a favorite Windows download from 2010 that wasn't featured here? Just because it wasn't the most popular download of the year doesn't mean it wasn't useful; sound off in the comments to share your favorite download and why it was useful. And while you're in a retrospective mood, you may want to check out the most popular new downloads of 2009 and 2008—still a lot of great ones in there.



Win 7的推出也算是微软吐了口气吧,我自己就挺喜欢用的。











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- mgo - 译言-电脑/网络/数码科技
来源Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010 [Best Of 2010]. 2010十大最給力Windows免费应用. 我们特别收录了不少2010年里的Windws下载. 现在来回顾一下最受欢迎的免费应用,它们可以帮助你出主意,自定义并且加强你自己的Windows体验.

Windows 8引入跨应用程序数据共享机制

- Darth Noctis - Solidot
在Windows 8中,微软引入了名叫Windows Share(视频)的新机制在应用程序之间共享信息. Win8应用程序能分享文本、位图、HTML、URI、文件和其它类型数据. 例如,应用程序接受到的信息可以直接发布到社交网站Tweeter或Facebook,不需要直接访问网站. 微软高级项目经理Billie Sue Chafins在BUILD 2011上介绍了新的分享机制,Windows Share类似通用的live剪贴板,但深度整合到了系统中,功能比传统剪贴板更丰富.

Windows 8将集成应用程序商店

- littlepush - Solidot
微软本周开设了“Building Windows 8”博客,公开讨论下一代操作系统的详细情况. Windows Live部门总裁Steven Sinofsky的博文中提到了App Store,首次证实了Windows 8将集成一个下载软件的应用程序商店. 文章的其它信息证实Hyper-V虚拟化技术将成为客户端操作系统的一项新功能.

使用Windows 8分发企业应用程序

- - InfoQ cn
向用户的计算机分发正确的应用程序和链接总是一项挑战. 登录脚本总是容易出问题,而自动安装应用程序的工具通常很难使用. 人们对自己拥有的计算机和设备使用越来越多,让这个问题变得更复杂. 微软正试图使用Windows 8和自服务门户(Self-Service Portal,SSP)来解决这两个问题. 当用户使用公司的电子邮件地址和密码注册他们的计算机时,这个门户就会被激活.


- - InfoQ cn
相比于其他各类应用程序,业务应用程序往往更强调数据存储和安全. 尽管Windows 8商店有很多限制,我们仍然有不少不同的选择来满足这些需求. 有三个直接可用的本地存储技术. Application Data API用于设置和状态的保存. 前者对文件大小没有限制,而后者是通过 ApplicationData.RoamingStorageQuota来限制的.


- 万俟尘 - 爱范儿 · Beats of Bits
在亚马逊的 Android 商店里可以每天下载一款官方推荐而且是免费的程序;在亚马逊 MP3 商店里每天能下载到一张折扣专辑;现在, Kindle 商店里,每天也能下载到一本打折书籍. “Daily Deal”似乎已经成了亚马逊自家最大的特点,当然,它也是吸引用户关注的利器. 不过,就好像超市里推出“每日特价”一样,对很多商家来说这似乎并不是一件困难的事.


- 幻幽 or A書 - 伯乐在线 -博客
  Cryptocat 是一个开源基于Web的即时消息聊天应用程序. 与其它即时聊天工具不同之处在于,它主要关注确保通信是进行加密过和私人化的.   Cryptocat 基于PHP开发,除了静态文件(CSS, JS和图片)外,只有单独的一个PHP文件. 消息使用crypto.js library进行AES-256加密.

[视频]Windows 8引入跨应用程序数据共享机制

- ZeeJee - cnBeta.COM
在Windows 8中,微软引入了名叫Windows Share(视频)的新机制在应用程序之间共享信息. Win8应用程序能分享文本、位图、HTML、URI、文件和其它类型数据. 例如,应用程序接受到的信息可以直接发布到社交网站Tweeter或 Facebook,不需要直接访问网站.

Windows Phone负责人要求开发者尽快更新应用程序

- ZeeJee - cnBeta.COM
我们一直在谈论有关9月15日Mango官方推送的消息,现在我们得到一些更确切的信息,这应该就是Mango更新的官方日期. 微软Windows Phone项目负责人Belfiore和Watson都在要求开发者尽快利用SDK7.1更新他们的应用程序---只需重新编译使得应用程序实现快速切换(多任务),以配合此次Mango的更新.

网页设计师的必备选择20 +必需的Windows应用程序

- Pei - 博客园-首页原创精华区
今天给网页设计师推荐20几个windows下提高工作效率的应用程序,对于设计师来说是必不可少的,希望大家喜欢. 虽然我更喜欢使用Firebug时,我发现“开箱即用”的CSS编辑器要真正有用的. Skybound Stylizer已经出了一段时间,但最新版本,4.0,现在是出了很多令人难以置信的功能,以帮助您在开发过程中.