
标签: 男人 发现 男人 | 发表时间:2011-08-16 16:48 | 作者:北京这头猫 alexthecarbon

来源5 Things Men Want to Hear - Discover What To Hear From Women

So what do men want to hear?  The things that women need to know most when it comes to male psychology is what men really want to hear, what it is they want women to say that will make them even more attracted, and how to inject humour into a relationship and spice things up so it doesn’t stale or fizzle out.  My usual response when asked “what can I say to a guy to make him like me?” is that there are much deeper issues that need to be addressed before you can think about the small talk; however, there are few things that make men feel much more attraction towards you on a short-term basis.  Below are my top 5 things that a man wants to hear when you’re dating or in a relationship... so use them and play around with them.  1. “That was amazing”  Just having sex with you isn’t enough for a man; if you want to keep him you must make him feel sexually validated. And the best way to do this is by letting him know that he completely satisfies you sexually.  A man wants to hear from what you say that he is everything you need in the bedroom and more. Men’s self-esteem is very highly wrapped up in their sexual ability, so if he doesn’t receive any praise or recognition in this area, then he’s going to get insecure and start to feel less close to you.  There is an important principle here that applies across the board in relationships, which is this: You must praise him when he does things well! So often we take our loved ones for granted and only express our feelings towards them when they do something wrong. But, if you compliment him when he does something well, he’s going to want to please you more.  2. “I really need you…”  Ok, first things first, this isn’t about being needy. It’s about making a man feel needed.  One crucial thing men crave in relationships is to feel like a man. Aggressive women often make the mistake of acting so independent that the men they date eventually become emasculated, simply because they don’t feel like there is anything they are really needed for.  But don’t get me wrong – There is absolutely nothing wrong with independence in itself (a man will be attracted to women with their own life) – But if you never ask for his help with anything, or if you keep talking about how you don’t need a man in your life for anything, he is going to feel completely turned off and emasculated.  It can be as small as him fixing a problem around the house and you saying: “I love that you’re able to take care of things” or if you need a hand getting something done, say, “I really need your help with this”.  See, it doesn’t matter if a man isn’t the financial breadwinner in a relationship, as long as he feels like he takes care of your needs in other ways.  3. ”I believe in you”  Every man needs to know that the woman he is with absolutely, 100% believes that he can do anything he sets his mind to. Even if he doesn’t really believe it himself, one of the most attractive things for a man is just the security of knowing that his girlfriend/wife believes he is the greatest man in the world.  When he’s feeling under pressure or struggling if you say something like “Well, if anyone can do it, you can” he is going to feel so attracted to you in that moment.  He wants you to be his biggest and proudest supporter.  4. “You look so sexy in that shirt”  Just because you are in a relationship, doesn’t mean a man grows tired of hearing how physically attracted you are to him; in fact it becomes even more important.  It can just be in the form of a text telling him how much you can’t wait to be in bed with him tonight, or by telling him how sexy you find him with his shirt off. These are small touches, but they let a man know that you can’t resist him, which is what really turns him on.  5. And finally... He wants to hear you take an interest in his passions.  Men will love it if you really listen and ask about the things that make them passionate. It might be his career, a particular hobby, or some other interest that is important to him. But don’t just ask random questions like an interviewer; really let him talk about it and show an active interest if it’s something that he considers a big part of his life. This is going to make him feel much closer to you, as he is sharing something important to him with someone he loves.





以下是我列出的前5种男人在约会或恋爱中想听到的话…… 所以用这些与他们过过招儿吧。












但不要误会我,女人独立绝对没有错(男人会被有自己生活的女人吸引)- 但如果无论什么事你都从不找他帮忙,或是如果你总说无论什么事你都不需要男人帮忙的话,他肯定会熄火变颓的。



















5. 最后……他想听到你对他的热情所在感兴趣。                













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