
标签: 女性 最爱 性爱 | 发表时间:2012-09-15 14:31 | 作者:jason bourne

译者 jason bourne

Pump up the pleasure
Up the ante on your bedroom antics and check out Cosmo's moves that are all about you you you. Pump up the pleasure with these moves that will bring you to the Big O in an electrifying flash...
1. Figure- eight This position will get you double the orgasmic pleasure: His penis's circular motions tantalize your vagina while his pubic bone lightly rubs against your clitoris. This is a slow-building, easy-orgasm position that allows you to lie back and let him please you with long, sensual strokes, until you climb to a powerful peak.



2. Tight squeeze
Prepare to take total control! With your legs clenched and your ankles crossed, you can feel the entire length of your man's member and grip it tight, creating loads of feel-good friction as he thrusts deep. While you're rocking randily, have him reach under you and play with your breasts, or brush his lips against your neck and nibble on your earlobe. Though this move offers megasensation, there isn't a lot of motion, so it's a prime pose for guys hoping to ho5. The G-force

3. The Dragon
Get ready for an electrifying experience...The circular stimulation of your man's penis will slowly electrify your entire vagina, bringing on a subtle yet superstrong orgasm. There isn't a lot of motion with this position, so it's a good one to try if he's prone to come quickly and you want to delay his climax (or if you just want to savor the feel of each other's bodies). Ask him to explore the more neglected parts of your body like your back and the base of your neck with his lips, tongue, and even his teeth. This him-on-top is all about you, you, you.

4. On the edge
This is one position that is sure to send you over the edge because you control both the depth of penetration and the intensity of clitoral stimulation. He'll love it because it gives him a chance to reach around and let his hands wander-have him use the pads of his fingers to tickle your butt, back, and thighs. Plus, he's in prime position to caress your buttocks and to stroke and kiss your breasts, face, and neck.
5. The G-force
This move means you have to hand over the reins to him, but it's worth it. For those who know the power of the G-spot, the deep, intense penetration will send you spinning. And there's no reason he can't be doing double duty. The G-Force is the perfect position for him to be inside you while using his hand to stimulate your clitoris. If you can surrender your on-top status, this is one position where the Force will be with you.

6. Up, up and away
If you want goose-bump-inducing friction try this: keep your legs high and close together creates a super-tight fit. And since he's entering you at a slight (about thirty-degree) angle, you both get a down-there sensation that's very distinct from what you're used to in the missionary or doggy position. You can stroke your own bliss button while your man pumps away, or just lie back, luxuriate in how oh-so-fabulous your body feels.

7. Side wind-her
Get your hips ready! Your man will gyrate his hips to ensure every thrust hits a new pleasure zone 
inside you, keeping you on the edge of ecstasy and 100% satisfied. Plus, he'll love the carnal control and being able to take in the lusty landscape of all your sexiest spots. Since he's enjoying being the power behind this position, let him do the work while you lie back, relax, and get your moan going.

8. Standing tiger/ crouching dragon
The best phrase of all: you get to focus on your own climax. 

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- - 译言-生活点滴
注重卧室里的古怪姿势和检查Cosmo的动作,所有的这些都是关于你,你,你. Figure- eight This position will get you double the orgasmic pleasure: His penis's circular motions tantalize your vagina while his pubic bone lightly rubs against your clitoris.

实验室数字:哪些人最爱玩 Pokemon Go,调查说年轻女性玩得最多

- - 理想生活实验室
自从 Pokémon GO 以现象级的热潮在全球范围内流行开来,关于它的新闻就没有停过——明星艺人们在社交平台上晒截图、社会新闻也有它的身影,甚至在时尚版块内也能看到它出现,涉及的年龄分布比我们想得还要广. 尽管 Pokémon GO 的官方并不打算在这些玩家数据上做太多文章,但美国著名的在线调查公司 SurveyMonkey 却没放过这个大好的调查方向,它们最近在美国做了一项调查,对美国地区的 Pokémon GO 玩家进行数据分析,发现玩家中年轻女性占比最多,占到了 63%.


- Felix - 活在桃花島
送外賣薄餅的速遞員,竟然是個女生. 她不是中女,而只是個廿歲左右的女孩. 看上去,她也算是弱質纖纖的一類. 從她的面容,感到這份工作對她來說,算是一件苦差. 事實上,近來我發現有不少以往很少女性幹的行業,現在都有女人在那些崗位. 司機,是個女的,而且,竟然是個女青年,完全是像學生的那一類,而不是平時阿姐級的女的士司機.

Google 需要性爱

- cantrip - 酷壳 - CoolShell.cn
看到一篇趣文Google Needs Sex,翻译过来. Brad DeLong 给我们写了 两篇关于“Google遇到的麻烦”的文章(墙),这两篇文章基本上是说, 制造网络欺诈和网络垃圾信息的人会尽其一切努力来和搜索引擎进行博弈,这样一来,其会让搜索到的结果对我们越来越没有帮助(译注:百度的竞价排名成为了制造网络欺诈和网络垃圾信息甚至洗脑的温床).


- HarryHan - 性 情 - 果壳网
不过性爱娃娃并不是一开始就这么精良的. 作为人类自慰工具而诞生的性爱娃娃,据传发轫于二战期间. 根据各种流传资料,希特勒也许可以在某种程度上称为“性爱娃娃诞生的促成者”. 关于希特勒与性爱娃娃的关系,目前大致有两种说法:一种说法是,希特勒为了保证德军血统的纯正,禁止德军与非雅利安血统的妇女行欢,因此命人研制与女性生理结构相仿的性爱娃娃;另一种说法认为,希特勒是为了杜绝性病在纳粹军中蔓延,于是命令党卫军司令希姆莱秘密研制性爱娃娃.


- Al - 鸸鹋动物园
什么情况,非要跟垃圾桶较劲:). © 丸子 for 鸸鹋动物园, 2011. 转发本文地址 萌兔最爱垃圾桶 http://www.ermiao.com/video/20110623/20405.html. 本文标签:兔子, 垃圾桶, 搞笑, 萌. 继续阅读分类【视频】下的更多精彩. 小帖士,看不见图或者看不见视频的,请点这里试试看 | 欢迎给动物园投稿.


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[cp]#哪本书带你走出了迷茫# . 还是想要推荐一下这本书,尤其是推荐给年轻姑娘,即将读大学的,即将工作的,刚工作的都适合. 这本书我说过很多次了,属于简单易懂很薄一本,最多2个小时,很快就看完了. 它把日本女性贫困的原因总结了出来,比如过早的生育,比如没有学历,比如自己减负了“过多”责任挤压了自己的提升空间等等.


- Digitalboy(张扬) - 马晓年的BLOG
      亚历山大·康姆福特博士(1920-2000年)于1972年出版的《享受性爱》一书是世界上最流行的和最受欢迎的性爱指导手册,一直牢牢占据着相当的市场份额,在世界各地以14种文字至少发行了1200万册(个别国家除外). 今天发布一些最新版本(2009)的插图,画风40年不变,我觉得比照片更漂亮、更耐看.


- 峰 - Cao Liu
霍斯特.舒尔茨(Horst Schultz)将JY射到6米远,他也是SJ速度和高度的世界纪录保持者——他射SJ度可达68.7千米/小时,能将JY射到3.76米的高度(听着像防空火炮的数据啊). 1933年出生于秘鲁的琳达(Linda Medina)3岁开始来月经,5岁就生娃了. 琳达的爸爸曾因有LL嫌疑被捕,但由于缺乏证据而被释放.


- - 雨中发呆
同房的不仅仅是为了满足欲望,它是保证人体健康的一个重要生理环节,规律的性爱,可以为你的健康加分. 一、性爱可摧毁压力,舒缓紧张. 在进行性爱的过程之中,人体荷尔蒙的释放使我们无法感到压力. 这个反应甚至可以维持数小时之久,直至荷尔蒙的水平回复整个身体系统的正常水平之中. 性爱时身体上的努力和情绪上的高涨会是完美的引擎,引你驶入梦乡.