
标签: 男人 三大 品质 | 发表时间:2011-09-02 21:22 | 作者:Sanapo kylexlau

译者 Sanapo

The 3 Signs of a Good Man – A Must Read for Women and Men


Today I want to discuss the 3 signs of a good man.


I’ve received several requests to extend my writing on “success and prosperity” into the arena of successful relationships, so I’m doing a brief series on the subject of relationships over the next week or so.


I’m going to relate this particular article to the movie “The Wizard of Oz.”  If you’ve ever had the luxury of seeing the movie, you know it’s about a girl named Dorothy, and her journey to visit the Wizard (with her dog Toto).  The Wizard is suppose to have the ability to help Dorothy get back to her home in Kansas.


On her way to meet the Wizard, Dorothy runs into three men who need help.  She runs into a scarecrow, a tin man, and a male lion, and she agrees to let them follow her on her journey to see the Wizard.


The scarecrow doesn’t have a brain, the tin man doesn’t have a heart, and the lion, believe it or not, doesn’t have courage.


So we have Dorothy and her dog Toto leading three men; three men who are searching for a brain, a heart, and courage.


Let me repeat that, for those of you who weren’t paying attention, we have three men, being led by a girl and a dog, trying to find a brain, a heart, and courage.

要是刚才有人打盹没听见的话,我再啰嗦一下: 稻草人、铁皮人和狮子一路上跟着小女孩和她的小狗来找回各自的头脑、心脏和勇气。

A Brain


Women, the first sign of a good man is that he has a brain.  In other words, he’s astute, judicious, and intelligent; he can think for himself, his actions are not dictated by his friends or his associates.


He possesses the cognitive ability to recognize your importance and see your true value.  He’s smart enough to appreciate you, and intelligent enough to show it.


He’s a visionary; he knows what he’s doing and where he’s going.  He’s a leader; he’s able to handle his responsibilities; he’s able to control himself, his anger, and his nature, in other words, he has a brain.


A Heart


The second sign of a good man is that he has a heart.  Some men are cold, they’re callous and they’re mean.  They don’t feel anything, don’t care about anything, don’t care if you cry, don’t care when you hurt, they are uninterested in the things that you are interested in; your feelings mean “nothing,” they don’t have a heart!


A man “with a heart” is concerned about you, takes an interest in the things that interest you, and prizes you above anyone else.  A man with a heart will spend time with you, because he knows that time is a sign of value.  What people value they dedicate time to.  A good man has a heart.


A man with a heart defers to you, respects your emotions, your feelings and your perspective.  A man with a heart is not intimated by your intelligence, intuition and sensitivity; he understands you and relies on you.


A man with a heart respects his parents, his neighbors and most importantly, a man with a heart respects the women he’s with.




The third sign of a good man is courage.  He has courage in the face of circumstances, challenges and misunderstandings.  He doesn’t quit or shrink, he doesn’t run-out, and he doesn’t give up or back down when things get rough; he has courage.  He has the courage to stay committed to relationships, the courage to make big decisions, and the courage to back his decisions.


He has the courage to change when change is required.


He has the courage to take risk, the courage to pursue his dreams, the courage to love the unlovely, and the courage to do the right thing.


He has the courage to commit to you for a lifetime, the courage to respect you, the courage to protect you, the courage to earn a living, the courage to pursue his passion and the courage to be the man that you desire him to be.


In closing, a good man has a brain, he has a heart, and last but not least, a good man has courage.


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