- yeqiu - Reborn今早看到这样一则新闻:《UCLA学生因无聊参加利比亚反对军》(Bored UCLA Student Libyan Rebels). 看了一下他的Facebook,这位叫做Chris Jeon的学生,大概是个来自韩国的留学生. 之前没有任何军事经验;参加利比亚反对军的理由非常简单:放暑假了,并且这是唯一一个真正的革命.
来源How to Live Thriftily Every Day
Although people commonly associate thrifty living with being cheap, a thrifty lifestyle involves using strategies to reduce financial waste rather than doing without necessities or purchasing low-quality products. Thrifty living can help you to save money for education, retirement or vacations, or can allow you to work fewer hours while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. Simple strategies can help you practice everyday thrift to maximize your purchasing power and boost your savings.
Unplug laptop, desktop and cell phone power cords when not in use. Computers on standby can waste energy and drive up your electric bill. Cell phone chargers can also waste electricity even when you are not charging your phone.
1 在不使用笔记本、台式机和手机时,把电源线拔掉。电脑在待机状态时也是费电的。而即使你没有充电,插在插座上的手机充电器也在消耗电能。
Organize a barter exchange in your neighborhood instead of paying for services that your neighbors can perform for free. For example, you could mow a neighbor's lawn in exchange for her babysitting your child for an evening so you and your spouse can enjoy a movie or a quiet dinner.
2 和邻居进行物物交换,这样你就可以使用邻居的免费服务而不用自己再单独掏钱。比方说你可以为你的邻居割草,作为交换让其帮你照顾小孩一晚,这样你就可以和爱人去看电影或享受一顿烛光晚餐了。
Use a bicycle for short trips instead of driving. Bicycling not only saves fuel, but it can also help keep you in shape without an expensive gym membership.
3 当路程较短时,尽量骑自行车。骑自行车不仅可以节省油费,同时也可以让你不必交昂贵的健身房会员费就能够达到锻炼身体的效果。
Prepare meals at home instead of taking the family to a restaurant or opting for take-out meals. Buying in-season produce and locally farmed meats at your local grocery or farmer's market and preparing your own meals can reduce food costs while still allowing you to enjoy appetizing meals.
4 尽量在家做饭而不是去下馆子或者叫外卖。尽可能在当地的杂货店或者农贸市场购买当季的农产品和当地自产的肉制品。在家做饭不仅可以节省费用同时也可以品尝到佳肴。
Enroll in your supermarket's rewards program. Most supermarkets offer programs that provide savings on everyday grocery items, toiletries and household cleaning items when you scan your rewards card at checkout. Some supermarkets even provide discounts on automobile fuel purchases based on how much you spend on groceries each month.
5 在超市办理会员卡。很多超市都会对会员有折扣计划,包括日用品,化妆品,家居用品,清洁用品。有些超市当你每月消费满一定额度后也会提供加油时的一些折扣。
Purchase children's clothing at a consignment shop or on an online auction instead of buying these items new. This can help reduce your clothing costs, particularly when your children outgrow clothing quickly. If the clothes are still in good shape when your children outgrow them, you can auction or consign them to recover some of your costs
6 尽量在寄售商店或网上拍卖店购买小孩的衣服。因为小孩一般都长得非常快,这样可以节省一大笔衣服开支。而如果当孩子长大了,这些衣服还很好,你也可以拍卖或寄售来收回一部分费用。