
标签: | 发表时间:2011-08-28 00:47 | 作者:yinyuanqings Aaron Xu

来源Google me with a fire spoon

Google me with a fire spoon





tiānxià míng bǐng 天下名餅 ("world famous flat cake")
标语:  World famous cake (译者:这个翻译尚可,至少关键意思出来了)

Dàlián tèsè huǒsháo 大連特色火勺 ("Dalian style baked flat cake")
招牌:  Dalian feature fire spoon (大连火烧勺,一种武功吗?)

xiāngtián kěkǒu 香甜可口 ("sweet and delicious")
招牌:  Sweet and delicious (完全正确!)

ruǎnyìng shìzhòng 軟硬適中 ("al dente")
招牌:  Moderate hardness (刚刚够硬 -_- ...好吧,我承认我想歪了)

lǎoshào jiē yi 老少皆宜 ("suitable for young and old alike")
标语:  Ages (???)

huíwèi wúqióng 回味無窮 ("savor endlessly")
招牌:   Food for thought (不是填饱肚子的食物,是填饱脑子的)

Bù chī bù zhīdào 不吃不知道 ("If you don't try one you'll never know")
招牌:    Do not eat do not know (哥不吃不懂,不悲不喜)

Chīle wàng bù diào 吃了忘不掉 ("If you try one you'll never forget it")
招牌:    Eat forget (堪比麻瓜版的遗忘咒)

Chīle hái xiǎng chī 吃了還想吃 ("Once you eat one you'll want to eat more")
招牌:   Still want to eat eat (还想再吃吃。。。)

Dì yīcì búmǎi yuàn nǐ 第一次不買怨你 ("If you don't buy one the first time, blame yourself")
招牌:   Do not blame you first buy (不要埋怨你的第一次买。。?)

Dì èr cì búmǎi yuàn wǒ 第二次不買怨我 ("If you don't buy one the second time, blame me")
招牌:   Blame me not to buy second (埋怨我没有第二次买。。?)

Problematic English translations on signs in China are hardly news — but in this case there's a new twist. Every one of the translations on that sign is word-for-word what Google Translate now gives. Here are a few examples.

类似这样的翻译在中国已经不是啥新闻了 - 不过能译成这样确实是一种新的突破。招牌上的翻译简直像是拿GOOGLE 直接翻译出来的。




