
标签: 个人 自我 催眠 | 发表时间:2011-08-25 10:01 | 作者:滑滑0408 Coral

来源My Experience With Self Hypnosis

My Experience With Self Hypnosis


I have been listening to a visualisation self hypnosis CD every single day for 33 days now. In this article I am going to describe my experiences with such hypnosis.


As you may know I have reviewed one of Bob Proctor’s programs before(6 Minutes To Success program), and this visualisation CD that I am now using is also produced by him.

你可能知道我刚刚回顾了Bob Proctor的一个项目(六分钟成功项目),我现在用的这个可视化CD也是他创作的。

This self-hypnosis is around 25 minutes long. During the first part I have to completely relax, then I have to visualise my goal and then for the last five minutes I have to wake myself up.


The first days I performed such self hypnosis my body energy would react very well to what was being said on the CD. For example, if I am told that the relaxing energy is flowing through my body, I could actually feel that. It was a great sensation and it completely relaxed me.


Then, maybe 10 days into this self hypnosis, my body started to react negatively. I knew that this was going to happen because I was visualising a big goal. When you continuously try to see in your mind’s eye some big goal, that contradicts with your current conditioning and it sets up a very uncomfortable vibration in you.


Actually that’s why many people quit when they decide to pursue some big goal in their lives. They suddenly start feeling doubtful and fearful about this goal. This happens to everyone, and it is an indicator that your old conditioning is trying to fight the new conditioning.


If you become scared and back away, then your old conditioning wins. But if you continue to move in the direction of the big goal, your old conditioning becomes increasingly weaker until the new conditioning is the only one occupying your subconscious mind.


So although the feeling that I currently have is not the best one, I know why this is so and I will keep visualising. After around 15 days of such self-hypnosis visualisation, I’ve started feeling more comfortable with this new vibration. Even till now, throughout the day, I get thoughts about the rewards that are waiting for me once I achieve the goal. That makes me even more motivated to take action to get this goal.


I also sometimes get all kinds of images streaming through my mind during self hypnosis. That especially happened in the first days of me starting this activity. This is probably because I am very relaxed, on the brink of sleeping. The images I get are very much like the ones I experience during meditation, but these ones come without any stream of voices.


Most of the times when I completely relax during such visualisation I feel quite a strong pressure in my head. This very much reminds me of my meditation experiences.


I am also witnessing that my conditioning is changing by the choices I make and the ways I express myself. I sometimes catch myself in the middle of the conversation with someone saying things that do not sound like me. Even my friends were surprised by some things I say. I am really happy about that, because it shows that the visualisation during self hypnosis really affects me.


When my goal is achieved I will be able to tell you a bit more about my experiences, but for now I can only say that I feel that I’m moving fast to where I want to go. I can sense the momentum I am building.


I have known for quite a while that the best way to visualise your desires is when you are completely relaxed. And you cannot be more relaxed than by being in a hypnotic state!


P.S. I know that my inbox is still full of unanswered emails from some of you, but I am very busy with my new project so I will get back to all of you as soon as I have some spare time!

附 我知道我的收件箱里堆满了一些来自你们的未答复的邮件,但是我的新项目非常忙,我一有时间就会尽快回复你们。








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