
标签: 国家地理 | 发表时间:2011-10-09 17:38 | 作者:moonstruck D31T4

译者 moonstruck

In a surprising interaction at sea, colossal whale sharks home in on fishing nets near the island of New Guinea—and fishermen dole out snacks to the pilfering beasts.


A whale shark tilts upright and yanks on a net, trying to make off with a fisherman's catch. "This behavior shows they can be opportunistic feeders," says biologist Morgan Riley, a director of the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme.


Fishermen atop bagans (floating platforms) offer baitfish, which may help keep the sharks away from the nets.


Vying for position under a bagan, male whale sharks—two of about twenty that visit this spot—scramble for a snack. Typically an adult shark might cruise night and day at a sedate one to three miles an hour, sucking in enough seawater to feed itself. This group likely spends a lot of time in Papua's Cenderawasih Bay, making it one of a few places where the species gathers year-round. Scientists hope to cooperate with locals to launch studies of the giants.


"Suddenly he just jumped in!" says photographer Michael Aw. Sarmin Tangadji, the Papua police officer who escorted the photographic team to where the sharks congregate, "was so excited to see them up close." Aw shares that excitement when it comes to diving with a dozen whale sharks: "You are sandwiched in, sharks ahead and behind, but you want to be there," he says. "They make eye contact with you and then charge by. It blows your mind."

这组照片的拍摄者MichaelAw. Sarmin Tangadji 是巴布亚的警官,他也把拍摄小组带到了鲸鲨的聚集之地。他说:“他突然就跳进去了!能在这么近的距离看到它们,太令人激动了。”他分享了潜入水底、与十几条鲸鲨共舞的激动之情:“你被夹在当中,头上和脚底都是鲨鱼,但你偏偏不想离开。它们与你进行眼神交流,然后离去。你会无法抑制自己的感情。”

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