- laoguo - VOA News: 中文主页日本新干线系统:安全没有妥协余地. 中国高速铁路发生重大事故,人们对铁路安全担忧升级的同时,开始重新审视日本新干线近半个世纪安全业绩. 日本新干线有关人员说,只有安全才能有安心,在安全面前没有妥协余地. 2011年3月11日下午2点46分,日本东部地区发生里氏9. 0级地震的瞬间,在福岛、宫诚、岩手和青森4个县震中附近行驶的11班次新干线列车上,前期地震探测系统启动,列车自动断电并紧急煞车.
译者 余游玩水
In 2004, due to typhoons, the Shinkansen total annual delays were 42 seconds. It was a disgrace to Japan. (source)
If a train were to be late for 5 minutes, everyone receives a free journey and an apology from the conductor. If a train is delayed 10 minutes, it would be in the newspaper.
So to say train delays are serious business would be an understatement. And last week, knowing what I knew about trains and average delays, I began snapping the following photos, unfolding in time, to mark the first major delay of a Japanese Shinkansen in 2011.
We were taking a 1:35PM train to Tokyo.
1:32PM: Train nowhere to be seen. Passengers seem anxious.
1:33PM: The train arrives. On the platform, hundreds of people wait with their babies, luggage and tourist maps. “We’re going to get a refund!” I realize, excitedly.
1:34PM: The train pulls all the way into the station. Forget a 5 minute delay, this one’s going to be 10 minutes or more. I can see the newspaper headlines with each passing second.
1:34/1:35PM: First of all, can you believe I caught my camera changing minutes? Second of all, it’s 1:35PM. THE 60 SECOND COUNT DOWN HAS BEGUN! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE! THERE’S STILL A LINE OUTSIDE OUR CAR! WE’LL BE AT LEAST 10 TO 15 MINUTES TO LOAD ALL THESE PEOPLE! History is, clearly, in the making. GOOD THING I HAVE ALL THESE PHOTOS! Maybe the newspaper will want them for tomorrow’s story!
1:35PM: The train is moving.
*jaw drops*
1:36PM: We are already going like a zillion miles an hour. I am devastated.
So in short, the Japanese Shinkansen train is on time. It’s always on time. There are no refunds. There is no formal apology from the conductor. There will be no newspaper article. It’s just another day in efficiently fabulous Japan. Guess I’ll have to get my train-delay fix back on San Francisco’s Muni train.