
标签: 乔布斯 秘密 遗产 | 发表时间:2011-10-12 15:04 | 作者:imzero Aaron Xu

译者 imzero

Despite knowing he was dying, Steve Jobs worked for more than a year on the products that he believed would safeguard the company's future.


It was also revealed today that Jobs fought hard to get plans approved for a spaceship-style company headquarters in California.


It will be big enough to hold 12,000 employees in a park-like setting near the existing base in Cupertino. He appeared at a town council meeting in June to plead for the planning go ahead.


jobs ipad2
Visionary: Steve Jobs introducing the iPad2 in San Francisco on March 2 this year
Jobs had a part-time job working for Hewlett Packard at the site when he was 13 and he ensured Apple bought the land when it became available.


He has also been overseeing the development of the delayed iCloud project, which will allow Apple users to store their music, photos and other documents remotely and masterminding updated versions of the iPod, iPad, iPhone and MacBooks, ensuring at least four years’ worth of products are in the pipeline, according to Apple sources.

乔布斯生前也已经关注到一直被拖延的iCloud项目的发展状况,据苹果的消息人士透露,这个项目可以让苹果用户能够远程进行储存音乐,照片和其他文件,并且他还策划了iPod, iPad, iPhone 和 MacBooks的升级版本,确保至少未来4年都有产品推出。

Pre-order sales of the first authorised biography of Steve Jobs increased by a staggering 44,000 per cent.


apple jobs logo
In memory: A tribute Apple logo created by Hong Kong student Jonathan Mak


Much-loved: Fans leave condolence notes at the Apple store in San Francisco


iSad: An admirer writes a message on a board in mourning of the death of Jobs outside an Apple store in Manila
According to the official description, the book, out on October 24, is ‘based on more than 40 interviews with Jobs conducted over two years - as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues’.


Brand consultancy firm Interbrand predicted that Jobs death could actually boos the value of Apple by around $670million (£431million) from $33.5billion as fans make sympathy and impulse purchases.


Jobs died on Wednesday, aged 56, following a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer.


Thoughtful: A man places an iPad displaying a picture of Jobs around candles forming the logo of Apple in southwestern China's Sichuan province


Paying respects: Brandy Faulkner, a neighbour of Jobs, leaves flowers outside his home in Palo Alto, California
致敬:位于加利福尼亚帕洛阿尔托的乔布斯家的外面,他的邻居Brandy Faulkner正在摆放鲜花。
Within minutes of his passing being confirmed, tributes had been paid by world leaders, the most famous technology bosses and fans throughout the world.


A day later, thousands continued to gather at shrines dedicated to Jobs from California to London, Sydney and Tokyo, Japan.


Well-wishers flocked to his home in California to leave flowers and cards, as his family mourned inside. Jobs is survived by a wife, a son and two daughters.


Devastated Apple staff, meanwhile, celebrated the life of their former boss with memorial services in his honour.


At Apple stores across the world and the company's headquarters, makeshift shrines quickly sprang up as Apple's legions of fans gathered together to remember the life of a man they revered as a hero.


Support: Steve Jobs leans his forehead against his wife Laurene after delivering the keynote address to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in June
'We are planning a celebration of Steve’s extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon,' Apple chief executive Tim Cook said yesterday.

苹果现任CEO Tim Cook在昨天表示,“我们正在计划组织苹果员工举行一次纪念活动,来纪念乔布斯卓越的一生,这个活动将很快举行。”

Global leaders from politics and business spoke out about how they had been inspired by the celebrated innovator.


Tributes, led by President Barack Obama, began pouring in within minutes of the company confirming Jobs's death.


'We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today,' read a statement by Apple's board of directors on Wednesday.


'Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.


'His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.'


The homepage of Apple's website switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, 'Steve Jobs 1955-2011.'


Clicking on the image revealed the additional text: 'Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.


'Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor.


'Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.'


His relatives also released a statement, which said he 'died peacefully, surrounded by his family.


Returning to work: Apple employees arrive passing flags flying at half staff at the headquarters in Cupertino
'In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family. We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last year of Steve's illness.'


Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the news of Jobs's death to Apple employees via e-mail, in which he said: 'I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Steve passed away earlier today.

苹果公司CEo Tim 通过公司邮件向员工宣布乔布斯的死讯,信中他说道,“我有个极其沉痛的消息要告诉大家,史蒂夫在今天早上永远的离开了我们。”

'No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve’s death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honour his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much.'


Within minutes of his death being confirmed, tributes to Jobs began flooding the web, led by President Barack Obama, who tweeted: 'Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. From all of us at #Obama2012, thank you for the work you make possible every day - including ours.'


Mr Obama later gave a fuller statement, in which he praised Jobs as a 'visionary' who was 'bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it'.


'The world has lost a visionary,' he said. 'And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented.


'Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Steve’s wife Laurene, his family, and all those who loved him.'


He added: 'Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.'


Steve Jobs' high school friend who founded Apple with him in his parents' garage wiped away tears as he paid tribute to the visionary genius.


Steve Wozniak, who helped start Apple in 1976, said he will miss his fellow co-founder 'as much as everyone.'


'We've lost something we won't get back,' Mr Wozniak said. 'The way I see it, though, the way people love products he put so much into creating means he brought a lot of life to the world.'


Social media sites were inundated with tributes from fans, with one of the most popular messages being that three apples changed the world: ‘The One that Eve ate, the one that dropped on Newton’s head and the one that Steve built.’


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- Aaron Xu - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
Despite knowing he was dying, Steve Jobs worked for more than a year on the products that he believed would safeguard the company's future.. 尽管乔布斯知晓自己的大去之日不远矣,他仍坚持工作了一年多的时间,专注于研发他认为可以保障苹果公司未来的众多产品.


- bill - cnBeta.COM
据国外媒体报道,美国《连线》杂志网络版刊登了一篇蒂姆・卡莫迪(Tim Carmody)撰写的怀念史蒂夫・乔布斯的文章,蒂姆・卡莫迪是《连线》的科技记者,以下为全文摘要:当得知史蒂夫・乔布斯去世的消息时,我正在从纽约坐火车去费城看望我儿子的途中. 一位朋友给我打来了电话,然后又把这条消息发送到我手机上.


- Yi - 博客园新闻频道
  按《福布斯》杂志的数据,截至2011年9月,乔布斯个人总资产约为70亿美元,其身家在2011年全球富豪排行榜中位列第110位.   有好事者借此对留下巨额资产的苹果公司前董事长、联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)表示惋惜.   尽管乔布斯生前曾公开表示对钱“不感冒”,但这位一手创建苹果帝国的传奇人物逝世后所留下的巨大资产无疑将备受关注.


- 洋白菜 - 外刊IT评论
乔布斯逝世除了让苹果迷深感惋惜,甚至连美国总统奥巴马及比尔盖茨都不约而同表示悼念,而在Facebook、Twitter、微博上也充满一连串讨论、缅怀. 而这些140字内的短信甚至比媒体新闻精彩,比如「显然的,一天吃一个苹果并不能远离医生」、「乔布斯没死,只是上了云端」. 不过一般人可能不知道,传奇人物乔布斯也有14个鲜为人知的秘密:.


- Coolxll - 爱苹果,爱生活
哪怕拥有“现实扭曲立场”之名,Steve Jobs 仍然不过一个普通人,熬不过病魔与衰老的折磨,最终走到作为 Apple 公司 CEO 的最后一天. 毋庸置疑,究其一生他就是“传奇”. 他性格固执,却天赋异禀;他不谙技术,却感觉敏锐;他中途辍学,却才华横溢. 他让人又爱又恨:当他站在斯坦福大学的演讲台前,世人为之鼓掌;当他向 Woz 隐瞒实际收入,世人又欲其身败名裂.


- 月七 - 左岸读书_blog
乔布斯发布了新产品:iQuit,全世界都为他“叹”了一口气. 我从来都不是“果粉”,估计将来也不会是,但我一直都对他的这种人格魅力感到非常的好奇,在这里搜索一下乔布斯,竟能找到那么多关于他的文章,可见,他虽然没有占领我的手指,却影响了我的思想. 乔布斯是一名非常有个性的佛教徒,他所创造的生态系统是一个“带围墙的花园”,正如日本禅宗大师铃木俊隆所说:“所有事物美丽的原因在于不平衡.


- EK - 36氪
如果苹果成为一个把电脑当商品卖的地方,一个没有浪漫的地方,一个人们忘记电脑是人类有史以来最伟大的发明的地方,我将失去苹果. 但如果我身在千里之外,所有人都能感觉到这些⋯⋯那么我将感到我还在那里. 最好的办法就是快速承认错误,然后继续完善其他创新. 我的工作不是待人友善,而是让他们变得更优秀. 如果你是一个目前,能做出带抽屉的漂亮箱子,你不会在箱子后面用一块胶合板,尽管它对着墙,谁也看不到.


- ZFreet - 玩聚SR|最佳
还有 Junyu, bin, aaron, 推荐,查看全部 12 个推荐. apple4us发表于2009-09-29 09:49:26. 「阴天,傍晚,车窗外,未来有一个人在等待……」. 恩,我们不是狗仔,不过,当谷歌的工程师 Jim Zhuang 在美国 101 号高速公路上艳遇一名谢顶、清癯、尖酸刻薄、换肝换脾的大叔,他觉得这世界真美好…….


- thinkingit - 知乎的博客
为什么 Steve Jobs 拥有过人的说服力和鼓舞能力. 乔布斯当初为什么会想到投资 Pixar. 乔布斯为什么将皮克斯卖给迪士尼. 苹果或乔布斯最早从什么时候开始想做智能手机. 乔布斯提议蒂姆·库克担任苹果公司新 CEO ,最看中蒂姆·库克的什么能力. 史蒂夫·乔布斯和乔纳森·艾夫第一次见面的情景是怎样的.


- Jingzhi - 东西
  自上周从苹果公司闪电辞职后,乔布斯首次出现在公众的视线中. 照片上的他看起来形容憔悴,非常虚弱无力. 这张照片拍摄于乔布斯位于加利福尼亚州的寓所外. 人们由此更加担心,这位科技巨擘在与胰腺癌进行了八年斗争后,恐怕即将走到生命尽头. 作为苹果公司创始人的他看上去比两个月之前最后一次公开露面时更加消瘦.