- astra - 星宿喵的萌落格今天推特上一則請求大家幫忙轉貼的尋人訊息,意外的大受討論. 「今天曾到東京車站八重洲口的LAWSON影印漫畫原稿,卻把原稿忘在這裡的的客人,請放心. 身為店員兼腐女子的我,已經先幫您保留起來了,誰都沒有發現喔!. 「補充一下,忘記的是BL工口原稿一張」. みお「目標を駆逐する!!」(使出過肩摔). 已經變質成討論攻受配對的推特帳號在此:小椙トピコ.
译者 暖盈929
MORE THAN a quarter of young women in America do not enjoy sex, sometimes because intercourse brings them more pain than pleasure, according to a new study of sexual behaviour published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Older women by contrast reported fewer problems in bed.
Billed as the most comprehensive investigation into adult sex habits since the famed Kinsey report of 1948, the survey painted an unexpectedly bleak picture of sexual satisfaction. It suggested that two in every five women and about one-third of men in all age groups experience some form of sexual dysfunction, ranging from lack of desire to attaining an erection and reaching orgasm.
Most striking are the findings for younger women, aged 18 to 29. According to the survey - conducted by researchers from the University of Chicago and based on interviews with 3,400 adults - 27 per cent get no pleasure from having sex and, if anything, consider it an ordeal. The same view was expressed by 17 per cent of women aged 50- 59.
The findings appear to explode the popular notion that young people, or at least young women, enjoy the hottest sex. "For women, age is not the big deal everyone assumes it is," Edward Laumann, one of the study's author, said yesterday.
这一调查结果似乎推翻了人们对于年轻人,至少是年轻女子喜爱最热辣性爱的普遍想法。“对于女人来说,年龄并不像每个人设想的那么大不了,” 这一调研的发起人之一爱德华·劳曼昨天说。
In their conclusion, the authors said the results "indicate that sexual problems are widespread in society and are influenced by health-related and psychosocial factors".
The report suggests a reality that is at odds with the images of satisfying sex that saturate books, magazines, film and television. "This problem warrants recognition as a significant public health concern," the study asserts.
Mr Laumann added that the various difficulties suffered by men, including performance anxiety and premature ejaculation, explains the extraordinary success of the Viagra potency pill. "I think it gives us a base for explaining why we had this enormous response," he said.
Experts yesterday offered an array of possible explanations for the study's gloomy findings, ranging from the modern pressures of work to emotional and health problems as well as fear about sexual diseases, including Aids.