
标签: 约会 成功 | 发表时间:2011-09-21 15:35 | 作者:becky1110 chas

译者 becky1110

7 Ways Men Can Be More Successful At Online Dating


In the past I never believed in online dating and wasn’t a big fan of having an online dating profile. However, as I started getting really busy I decided to give it a try and put in a lot of effort into it. Surprisingly I started getting lot of success and meeting really amazing women. If you are a busy professional or would like to give online dating a try, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind so that you can have a positive experience. Below I have listed the seven key things men need to know before they start messaging women.


Be authentic when writing your profile


When you are writing your online dating profile, make sure that you are honest about who you are. Don’t try to write an “about me” section that has nothing to do with who you are. If you are not honest on your description, you will end up attracting the wrong type of people, which will make your online dating experience very frustrating.


Don’t use cheesy pick-up lines


Women get messages from men that throw cheesy pick-up lines all the time and those messages end up going in the trash. The key thing to remember before sending any woman a message is to be real and confident at the same time. Women can easily tell by the tone of your message of whether you made up a scripted a line or are actually really trying to connect.


Pay attention to details


When I started online dating a couple of years ago I had very little success. One of the main reasons that I didn’t get many dates or failed to connect with women was because I never paid any attention to the details of their dating profile. As I really got more active on online dating, I started paying careful attention to their “about me” section. I noticed that many women had a specific passion they had that they wanted people to know about. I started to connect with women better when I took interest in their lives.  Don’t think that online dating is just a numbers game; it may partially be true but if you are sending messages without reading a woman’s profile, you won’t get quality dates on your schedule.


Make sure that your dating profile is grammatically correct


Poor grammar is a major turn off. If a woman reads your profile and sees grammar errors she will question your intelligence right away. You don’t have to have an ivy-league degree or be an English major to have perfect grammar. Just make sure that you proof read what you write on your profile. Remember that when a woman comes to your profile she will read it once to see if it catches attention. If there are a lot of sentences that don’t make sense, it will show that you haven’t put in much thought or time into writing your dating profile.


Establish connection before asking for the phone number


Many men will typically message a woman and try to ask for their contact information within the first message. Women are craving for connection and they are paying careful attention to how you communicate with her. They want to establish trust with you before they give their phone numbers out. If she feels that she cannot trust you, she will either ignore your message or will tell you that she doesn’t feel comfortable giving out her number.


Don’t be afraid to flirt


Don’t think that setting up an online dating profile and messaging a bunch of women will solve all your dating problems. Communicating with women online can be just as difficult as communicating with women offline and if you come across as a boring person you won’t get a lot of success online. When I send messages I take the risk of flirting with women and I get a lot of replies because I am not afraid to show my masculine side.  Women get many messages where men ask, “How are you”, “How was your weekend” kind of stuff. The more risks you take in flirting, the more it shows that you are confident in your own skin.


Add Pictures that show your true personality


Don’t add pictures of you facing your wardrobe mirror and posing. Instead, add pictures that show who you really area. If you have a passion for being in the outdoors, you should add pictures of you by the lake or the beach. If you have a passion for going out at night you may want to take a few pictures of yourself and your friends at a bar or a lounge. You want to make the person that is visiting your profile imagine what the ideal day would be like with you.


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