
标签: 谷歌 边缘化 | 发表时间:2012-02-03 10:22 | 作者:scqq

译者 scqq

The upcoming IPO of Facebook, the flak surrounding Twitter’s decision to censor some tweets, and Google’s weaker-than-expected 4th-quarter earnings all point to one of the big events of our times: The crazy, chaotic, idealistic days of the Internet are ending. Once, the Prairies were open and shared by everyone. Then the farmers arrived and fenced them in. The same is happening to the Internet: Apple, Amazon and Facebook are putting up fences — and Google is increasingly being left outside.


The old Internet on which Google has thrived is still there, of course, but like the wilderness it is shrinking. Often these days, we sign up for Facebook or Amazon’s private version of the Internet. At other times, we use a smartphone and download an App instead of using Google search.


Investors are already placing their bets on who the winners of the new Internet will be: Over the past five years Amazon’s shares, despite their recent fall, have risen 370%. Apple’s are up 438%. Google’s, meanwhile, have merely risen by 17% in all that time. It is still the early days of this long-term trend, but my hunch is that this gap in performance will widen over the coming year — and that Google’s long slow decline has already begun.

投资人也在为互联网的下一个赢家下赌注:过去的5年,Amazon的份额上涨了370%,即便最近有所下滑。Apple上涨了438%。与此同时,Google仅仅上涨了17%。 现在仍处于这个长远变化趋势的开端,但我预感接下来这个差距会继续扩大--谷歌已走上了长期缓慢下滑的道路。

What makes Google’s predicament so serious is that it has little to do with technology and everything to do with business models. You can buy or copy technology, but changing a business model is about the hardest thing any company can do. Google’s business model, and nearly all its revenue and profits, depend on the Internet remaining open. When we search, Google pockets billions from advertising. If the old Internet is changing, Google’s original way of doing business loses value.


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When Google reported its results two weeks ago, the first headlines focused on the 25% increase in fourth quarter revenues compared to last year. Investors, however, focused on the drop in the cost per click that Google is able to charge advertisers. The main reasons for the decline in this all-important metric is increased competition from Facebook, Amazon, and Apple.


Start with Facebook, which has erected a cyber fence around its 800 million-plus users and refuses to share some important data with Google. This means that Google’s searches are not quite as valuable to advertisers as they used to be when the Internet was open and when Facebook was much smaller than it is today.


Amazon is increasingly playing a similar trick — but with a twist. Amazon has taken Google’s freely available Android operating system and adapted it for its new Fire tablet. Amazon gets to free ride upon Google’s software, in other words, while the search giant gets nothing back in return. No data, and no advertising revenue.


Apple’s land grab, meanwhile, may be the most definitive. The Apple universe is like a cable TV network that owns content or aggregates it. It’s phones, computers and tablets are like the set-top boxes your cable company gives you. The content you consume might be a film that you download, a song, a book, an application or something you buy on line, like a pair of shoes. And none of the data Apple’s customers generate is available to Google. (Amazon basically has the same arrangement going with its Kindle and Fire. The only thing it doesn’t own is the network, but it doesn’t matter: Once you log into Amazon with a password, you’ve left Google’s open Internet.)

Apple的土地攻占也许是其中最具有代表性的。 Apple世界,就像一个拥有或汇聚了很多节目的有线电视网。它的电话,电脑和平板电脑则像有线网络供应商为您提供的机顶盒。您的消费可能是下载的一部电影,在线购买的一首歌,一本书,一个应用等。这就像是一双鞋子,缺一不可。而Google却无法得到Apple这些客户所生成的数据。(Amazon的Kindle和Fire系列产品也将会采取类似的操作。它唯一不能控制的就是网络,但这也是无关紧要:一旦你使用自己的账户登陆了Amazon,你便远离Google的开放网络。)

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The danger to Google, in other words, is that as social networking, smartphones and tablets increasingly come to dominate the Internet, Google’s chance to earn advertising revenues from searching will shrink along with its influence.


Yes, Google has the Android and Google+, but these may not be enough to fight the shift to the closed Internet. Google+, of course, has just a tiny fraction of Facebook’s scale and there’s currently little reason to think it can catch up. The Android operating system, also an attempt by Google to build its own internet eco-system, is a more conspicuous success. Most commentators focus on the rapid growth of Android and the fact that it has greater market share than the iPhone.

即便Google拥有安卓和Google+,但都无力抵抗网络封闭化的趋向。与Facebook相比,Google+ 微不足道,目前也无法想象它能后来居上。安卓操作系统,是Goole构建自我网络生态体系的一次尝试,相比而言,更为成功。许多评论家注意到了它的快速增长,及其大于iPhone的市场份额。

But this analysis misses the point: The Android may have market share, but more than half of mobile searches come from iPhone users. Google may have developed Android but, unlike Apple’s iPhone, it does not really control it. Licensees like Samsung and HTC are able to adapt Android software to their own ends. And smart companies like Amazon are getting a free ride on Android while sharing little of the spoils with Google.

然而,这种分析却漏掉了一点:安卓是占有市场份额,但超过一半的手机搜索却来自iPhone的用户。Goole开发了安卓,但是不像Apple的iPhone, 它不能真正地控制它。Samsung和HTC持照人都可将Android应用到他们自己的产品终端上。而那些聪明的公司,如Amazon免费使用了安卓,却不愿与Goole分羹。

Don’t get me wrong: Google is still a force, just as Microsoft, Intel and IBM are. But they are no longer at the epicentre of the zeitgeist. Like Microsoft before it, Google can fight the good fight on many different fronts. Whether it can ever find an engine of growth capable of supplanting its core business is another question.

别曲解了我的含义:Goole仍如Microsoft, Intel 和 IBM一样鼎足轻重。但他们已不处于时代的中心。如之前的Microsoft,Google可以在不同的前沿阵地上打几个漂亮仗。但它能否找到一个发展引擎来取代核心业务则是另一个问题。

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The same is happening to the Internet: Apple, Amazon and Facebook are putting up fences — and Google is increasingly being left outside.. Facebook的IPO,Twitter饱受批评的言论审核新规,以及谷歌差强人意的第四季度财务收入,都传递着一个时代的大变革:疯狂,喧嚣而理想化的互联网王国正在结束.


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来源Why I design at Google. 译者eminent.susan. I’m still early in my career, and while it’s nice to find some success, I’m mostly focused on learning and growing my skills.

谷歌验证:Google Authenticator

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Google Plus和谷歌生态

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现在北京有一套房子,价格200万,假设房价每年上涨10%,一个软件工程师每年固定能赚40万. 如果他想买这套房子,不贷款,不涨工资,没有其他收入,每年不吃不喝不消费,那么他需要几年才能攒够钱买这套房子. 工作年数 不吃不喝存款 房价 资金缺口 买房的希望 1 40万 220万 180万. 2 80万 242万 162万.


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- - InfoQ cn
一淘网测试架构师 黄利在他的博客上发布了翻译的一个专题系列文章: 《谷歌如何测试》,整个系列文章从全局到局部地介绍了谷歌有关测试的情况. 译者黄利在《译者序》中阐述了在软件开发模式(尤其是互联网)中,近几年的快速迭代发布,以Beta版本线上运行,让大家对测试产生了一些误解:. 这些应用没有经过很好地测试,好多功能使用上都有问题;.