
标签: 经验 android 面试 | 发表时间:2014-09-02 23:35 | 作者:chriszeng87
Question of this week:
Is it possible to have a fragment with out an activity?

August 8th 2014 Updates : Added Excellent set of exp questions asked in Provab, Mindtree, and Digipay. see at the end. Especially in Provab they have asked excellent set of questions, which I hardly seen before. 

*Note: If you are experienced person appearing for android interview, request you to update questions asked in your interview, so that I can add answers to them and will share here with latest releases.

This list of questions are based on my interview experience with various people. Below are the most commonly asked android interview questions. If you can answer at least 60% of these questions, that is more than enough.

If you are looking for fresher android interview questions, then:
Android interview questions

Android section:
1. Activity life cycle - Can I save all my database updates in onStop()?
ans:  check
2. What is the difference between this and getapplicationcontext?
ans:  check
3. What is the UI response time limit in android?
ans:  check
4. What is ANR?
ans:  check
5. What is Bundle? How it is different from parcel?
ans:  check bundle. also check  android how serializable differ from parcel
6. How to write a custom adapter?
7. How to fix an android application crash? How to analyze a crash using logcat?
ans:  check 
8. What is a singleton class?
ans:  check. also see  how to create a singleton class in java
9. What is sleep mode?
ans:  check
10. How to save UI states in case of configuration changes? (eg: screen orientation changes).
11. What is a fragment? How it differs from activity?
ans:  check and  difference between activity and fragment
12. How to parse JSON data that is coming from a server?
13. What is 9 patch image? when to use it? 
ans:  check
14. What does "compatibility issue" means?
15. How will you write an application which fits both for mobiles and tablets?
ans:  check - 10th question. 
16. What is the Memory limit of each process in android?
ans:  check
17. What kernel is used in android?
ans:  check and  what type of kernel is used in android
18. How to fetch a contact person number from contact application using content provider?
ans:  check
19. How to upgrade data base tables in the later versions of an application?
ans:  check
20. What is the difference between dynamic receiver and static receiver? when will you use dynamic broadcast receivers?
ans:  Dynamic broadcast receivers: Android tutorial
21. What is intent, pending intent, and sticky intent?
ans:  check
22. What is the difference between thread and a service?
ans:  check and also  what is the difference between thread and handler thread in android
23. How will you create an async task?
ans:  check
24. What is a handler thread? how it is different from normal thread?
ans:  check
25. What is looper, handler, and message queue?
ans:  check
26. What is serialization? How serialization is different from Binders? 
ans : check  serialization also check  how serializable differ from parcel.
27. What is aidl?
28. How to update UI from a service?
ans : Use a dynamic broadcast receiver in the activity, and send a broadcast from the service. Once the dynamic receiver is triggered update UI from that receiver.
29. How to update UI from other thread?
ans:  check 
30. How to pass data between 2 components of android?
ans: use putExtras() and pass in the intent.
31. What is a binder service? how it differs from started service?
32. To write a back ground functionality in an activity, should I use a thread or service?
ans:  check
33. What is ANR? What is the cause of ANR and how will you rectify this problem?
ans:  check
34. How to do inter-thread communication in android, using handlers?
ans:  check
35. How to create a service with single thread?
ans:  check
36. Why android uses DVM, why not JVM?
ans:  check what is the full form of dvm and  difference between dvm and jvm why android opted for dvm?
37. How will you display database tables in an activity? will you use gridview or tableview? justify?

Answers at  Skillgun

Sample android programs on all android topics. You can view complete code and download it.
Android tutorial with free downloadable code

Here are some java related concepts they may touch in interview:
1. What is a singleton class?
ans:  singleton class and 
java - example for creating singleton class
2. What is the difference between abstract class and an interface?
ans:  check also check  what is an interface and what is an abstract class in java.
3. Can you give some real time example where you have used an interface and abstract class?
ans :  example for interface. and  abstract class example in java also check abstract class.
4. How will achieve multiple inheritance using interfaces?
ans:  example for multiple inheritance in java
5. What all the collection framework classes you have used in your application?
ans: It depends on your project. They may pick below questions based on your answer.
6. What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector? which one is better?
ans:  check difference between arraylist and vector
7.What is the difference between Hashtable and hashmap?
ans:  check the difference between hashmap and hashtable
8. Difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder?
ans: I have explained  difference between StringBuilder and -StringBuffer on stackoverflow.com
java what is the difference between stringbuilder and stringbuffer on skillgun.
9. What is an exception? difference between Checked and Unchecked exception?
ans:  check what is an exception.

Answers:  java interview questions and answers

Mportal Android interview questions for 3yrs-5yrs exp:
android mportal interview questions and answers 
Tarang Android interview questions for 3yrs:
android tarang interview questions and answers
IvyMobility Android interview questions for 3yrs:
android ivy mobility interview questions and answer s
Beeonics Android interview questions for 4yrs exp:
android beeonics interview questions and answers
Tavant Android interview questions for 5yrs:
android tavant interview questions and answers
DigiPay Android interview questions for 3-5 yrs:  *new
android digipay interview questions and answers
MindTree Android interview questions for 2-3Yrs:  *new
android mindtree interview questions and answers
Provab Android interview questions for 2.5yrs : *new  - excellent questions
android provab interview questions and answers

转自: http://androidquestions.quora.com/Android-interview-questions-for-2-5-yrs-experienced

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