Stack Overflow 的 Nick Craver 貼出目前 Stack Overflow 的現況:「 What it takes to run Stack Overflow」. 公開出來的資料不包括 CDN 的部份,可以看出整個架構很精簡啊… 然後還貼出機房照片:. 可以看出很多機器都很大台,尤其是 RAM 的部份.
unreturnedConnectionTimeoutin production mostly if for some reason you can't debug and fix the application whose Connections are leaking, in which case it's a reasonable workaround to just set.
In case a feature would not be accepted after testing but we would like to release other features already merged on develop that would be hell. This is a tricky step, I think the best way to avoid it is to keep features as small/specific as possible.