
标签: 记忆力 | 发表时间:2011-10-10 08:36 | 作者:kffkenshin Aaron Xu

译者 kffkenshin

Losing your memory is not necessarily an inevitable part of life. Though genetics plays a significant role in whether people develop dementia, more and more research is showing that having a healthy lifestyle and staying mentally challenged may lower your chance of losing your memory and your mind.

Laurie Tarkan

Here are six lifestyle factors that will give your mind a boost:
1. Get Moving
A number of studies have shown that exercising, especially light exercise, slows the onset of memory loss and dementia. One study of older adults found that walking and doing other light activities like gardening preserved their memory longer than those who were sedentary. Another recent study found that exercise counteracts the brain shrinkage that occurs with age. While the older exercisers gained two percent of their brain volume, non-exercisers lost brain tissue.


The benefits appear to start accruing early. One study found that exercise in midlife significantly reduced the incidence of dementia three decades later. And another study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine looked at people in their 20s and found that young adults who followed exercise guidelines - moderate exercise five times a week for 30 minutes - had a better memory compared to those who didn’t.

  运动的好处看似在变老之前就显现出来。一份报告表明中年时期就开始运动可以明显的把痴呆症推迟到30年后发生。 体育科学与医学杂志( Journal of Sports Science and Medicine )刊登出一份对20~30岁年龄层的人群进行调查的报告,发现有每周进行5次30分钟左右适度运动的年轻人的记忆力比那些缺乏运动的好。 

2. Eat Fruits and Veggies


A recent study found that elders who ate a diet high in fruits and vegetables when they 30 years younger had lower risks of dementia. Oxidative stress and inflammation are thought to be involved in dementia. Fruits and vegetables contain loads of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may protect the brain against this damage.


3. Reduce Your Risk Factors for Heart Disease

  3. 降低患有心脏病的风险

Risk factors for heart disease, like diabetes, chronic stress, high cholesterol, and being overweight or obese have also been implicated in dementia. Some of these factors, like diabetes, are particularly potent if they arise in midlife, rather than later in life. So getting these risk factors under control through exercising and diet when you’re young may delay cognitive losses later on.


4. Get Culture

  4. 多接触文化新思想

Participating in cultural activities and reading are also protective. A new study found that being open to new ideas can also delay dementia. Being open means you are curious, have a thirst for knowledge and are able to think creatively about new ideas. In contrast, closed individuals are more rigid in their beliefs and less emotionally involved with experiences.


“Individuals with higher openness are more actively engaged in cognitively enriching activities and these activities are protective of cognitive performance,” the study authors wrote.
5. Take Care of Your Teeth


Studies of twins have found that developing periodontal disease early in life is associated with a risk for developing Alzheimer's disease.


"Over three times more often, the twin with more tooth loss is the twin who develops dementia, and we find the same for Alzheimer's disease," says the study author Margaret Gatz,, of the University of Southern California.

  该份报告的作者------南加利福尼亚大学的玛格丽特.盖兹 ( Margaret Gatz)解释道:“比正常情况高出3倍,双胞胎中牙齿掉比较多的一方更容易患有痴呆症和阿兹海默症。 

6. Got a Difficult Job? Perfect!


The type of work you do may also protect you against cognitive decline. The research on twins shows that having a job that involves complex work with people—careers that involve persuasion, mentoring, instruction and supervision—is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. Working with complicated data also reduces risk.


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Google 正在摧毁我们的记忆力

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互联网的到来和触手可及的包罗万象的信息,使得我们不在需要将很多东西都牢记于心. 据《科学美国人》报道,研究人员表示,将互联网当作大脑的拐杖来使用,未必是一件坏事. 互联网是不是已经将我们的社会傻瓜化,或者说仅仅成为了我们大脑的外置移动硬盘. 随着谷歌、互联网电影数据库、维基百科等等以及智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑的广泛使用,处理记忆的基本功能已经变得比内存卡的闪回(flashback)还要小.


- Aaron Xu - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
  在生活中记忆的丧失并不是不可避免. 虽然基因在人类是否患有痴呆症中起着重要作用,但越来越多的研究显示,拥有一个健康的生活方式且持续的接受智力上的刺激可能会降低记忆力丧失和精神错乱的机率. 以下是如何保持头脑清醒,精神振作的6个招数:. One study of older adults found that walking and doing other light activities like gardening preserved their memory longer than those who were sedentary.


- - 费乐沃||PhilColumn 0.5
按照" 这篇文章"的说法,以下五类日常活动会对一个人的记忆力造成伤害:. 除了第二点,其他四点都算是不言自明. 所以,我就说一下什么是“长期处于低强度压力中”. 原文给出的例子是每天上下班路上所感受到的那种压力. 虽然不会产生唐僧的梵呗让小妖无法忍受而自杀的后果,但每天伴随,也会损害一个人的短期记忆力.


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