
标签: 放松 拖延 | 发表时间:2011-10-18 23:09 | 作者:走向冬天 helen

译者 走向冬天

It’s 6pm. You haven’t really accomplished anything today … but hey, you needed some time to relax. You took a long lunch and re-watched a couple of episodes of a TV show. You spent an hour or two in a coffee shop, flicking through a few newspapers. You updated Facebook and Twitter and Google+ …


… so why do you feel stressed?


Chances are, you weren’t really relaxing. You were procrastinating: putting off what you wanted to get done because you felt some resistance to it.


Here’s the difference:


Procrastination is unfulfilling. It’s a displacement activity – and you’ve constantly got a nagging voice at the back of your mind reminding you of all those tasks on your to-do list. Procrastination might make you feel a bit better temporarily, but you’ll end the day feeling frustrated with yourself.


Relaxing is restorative. It’s a deliberate choice – not something that you seem to fall into. You relax during scheduled breaks, or when your work is done for the day, rather than whenever you start to lose focus on a task. You’ll not only feel good while you’re relaxing, you’ll feel good afterwards, too.


How to Procrastinate Less …


1. Block any websites that tempt you to procrastinate. (You might even want to shut off your internet connection entirely for an hour or two.)

1. 不上你可能耗时间的网站(甚至可以断网一两个小时)

2. Remind yourself that if you get all your tasks done, you’ll be able to relax sooner. It’s easier to stay on-track when you’ve got something to look forward to.

2. 告诉自己,活早干完早轻松。人要是有个盼头就更容易坚持。

3. Pick one task to focus on at a time. It’s very easy to end up procrastinating by constantly switching between tasks. (“I’ll just check my emails…”) If you find your attention slipping, remind yourself “I’m working on X right now.”

3. 一次只忙一件事。频繁的换来换去很容易最后就拖延上了("我就看一下邮件...")如果你发现自己注意力有些分散,就提醒自己“我现在的任务是要...”

4. Take regular breaks. No-one can stay focused for hours at a time. Aim to work for 20 – 45 minutes at a stretch, then give yourself 5-10 minutes to stretch, walk around or even meditate.

4. 定时休息。谁也不能一连专注好几个小时。干个20到45分钟就歇一歇,花5到10分钟活动一下,溜达一圈甚至冥想都行。

… And Relax More


1. Schedule in time to relax. You might, for instance, plan to go to a movie on Saturday afternoon – which makes it easier to stay focused on chores in the morning.

1. 事先安排好放松的时间。比如你可能定好周六下午去看电影,那上午就更容易专注在事情上。

2. Make a deliberate choice about what to do. You don’t necessarily need to decide ahead of time – often it’s good to follow the whim of the moment. But do pause to consider what you’d really enjoy.

2. 斟酌一下怎么放松。你不需要事先就决定,通常看当时的心情就好。但一定要想想,怎么样最开心。

3. Fight any feelings of guilt. We all need time to rest and recharge. Don’t let other people tell you that you “should” relax in their way: if you want to spend Saturday catching up on TV, and you find that rejuvenating, then go ahead!

3. 克服负罪感。人都需要时间休息和恢复精神。别听别人告诉你该怎么放松,什么时候放松。如果你打算星期六就泡在电视上,而且还感觉挺让你精神的,那就看吧!

4. Set firm boundaries around your work. You might need to do some tasks outside 9am – 5pm (or whatever your hours are) – but try to set aside at least one full day every week when you don’t work at all.

4. 工作有度。可能你朝九晚五之外还要忙些工作,但至少保证每周有一整天的时间是完全空闲的。

So … will you find time to relax properly today? Let us know your thoughts and tips in the comments!


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- helen - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
晚上6点了,你一整天什么正事都没干...因为你需要些时间放松嘛. 你慢悠悠地吃了顿午餐,重温了几集电视节目;你在咖啡店里泡了一两个小时,翻翻报纸;你还更新了Facebook,Twitter和Google+.... ...但你心里怎么总感觉有事儿似的呢. 因为你极有可能不是在放松,而是拖延:本来要做的事不想做,于是推啊推啊的.


- Jim - Jeekundo.com
(1.你的领域内最重要的问题是什么. 2.你是否在研究这些问题中的一个. 原文:Good and bad procrastination. 这是Paul Graham的一篇文章,感觉写得不错,前几个星期翻译了一部分,一直放在电脑里面没发出来,本来以为《黑客与画家》这本书里面会收录这篇的,结果在英文PDF里面一搜发现居然没有,索性整理了一下发布出来.


- snoopy - 科学松鼠会


- vie - 惜墨
拖延有两种,一种只是逃避自己不想做的事情,比如此刻你本来要去写报告,但是朋友叫你出去玩,于是你理所当然的把它拖延到了明天. 这种拖延是显性的,我们或多或少都会有,只是不同人的严重程度不同. 这种拖延在我看来是很容易治愈的,你只需要逐步培养自己立即去做的习惯,并且中途不要因为任何想法而间断自己的任务,直到它被完成.


- ngwzf - 张佳玮写东西的地方
  我见识过的拖延症大概可以分两种. 一种其实纯粹是懒,一种是较积极的拖延症. 分的方式比较简单:前者对自己是否拖延症其实无所谓,而满世界念叨痛恨自己拖延症求解决方法的基本是后者.   后一种拖延症的症结也简单得很:完美主义. 看着一副悠哉游哉忙这忙那就是不忙正事的姿态,其实内心火烧火燎的急. 写文章怕开不好头,总是要雕琢再三;做分析总嫌自己数据少,要一查再查.


- Newton - 心事鉴定组 - 果壳网
经验说:事情越欠越多,都是因为拖延症. 实验说:拖延症是因为你总是无法战胜眼前的欲望. 我们在网上下载了一大堆电影、纪录片,用途却是拿来塞满硬盘,从没看过;我们买回一大堆书,准备读完这些名家大著、哲学经典什么的来充实自己,可实际上这些书跟着你回家后,放在书架上就再也没拿下来过,日复一日地积累灰尘. 尽管如此,我们仍然乐此不疲地下载一部又一部的电影,买一本又一本的书,以为未来的某天,自己会良心发现把它们看完.


- sxsh1980 - 科学松鼠会


- Kenshin - 牛博山寨头条
数字时代,无尽的信息洪流从各种媒介平台上纷至沓来. 我们的工作和学习状态有一种特点,美其名曰“多线程处理”,恨不得7*24在线,即刻回应和处理所有的信息;事实上,这样做的结果往往是精神涣散,难以进入专注的心境,因而工作效率低下. 任务总是困难的,娱乐总是易得的,想追求save time,却往往在kill time.


- henry - 科学松鼠会
原文地址:Waiting for the motivation fairy. 我喜欢他们呼啸而过时嗡嗡作响的声音. 如果你想创造一个理想的培育拖延症的温床,那就试着动手做一个研究项目吧. 这样的项目大多工程庞大且耗时长,比如像博士生的研究项目通常得耗上至少三年的时间. 这些项目的截止日期通常模糊不清,更别提回报了:你投入很多精力,却听不到任何积极鼓励的声音,奖励更是遥不可及.


- Richard - 科学松鼠会
“拖延就像蒲公英,你把它拔掉,以为不会再长出. 但是实际上它的根埋藏得很深,很快又长出来了. 在微博网站上聚居的媒体人中流传过这样一则段子:“如果你看到某作者、编辑或编剧一大早就开始在微博上乱转悠,自己刷屏,还逮啥转啥,哪有事儿哪儿到,嘴欠得要命,那就说明此人交稿子,交专栏,交本子,交版面的死限又要到了.