
标签: 活动 孩子 智商 | 发表时间:2011-10-31 18:02 | 作者:炫耀至极 Tom

译者 炫耀至极

10 Activities That Make Your Kids Smarter

Scientists often cite the first ten years of a child'slife as the "window of opportunity." Everything at this time iscritical to improving the "wiring" of a person's brain. These are theages when the brain can form the most neural networks. No surprise, readingbenefits children's intelligence, but shockingly, so do video games and sports.

Most of these activities benefit adults too; you'renever too old to learn a second language with your kids and eat a heartybreakfast.



Engage in music-making
Studies show that learning music makes kids smarter.
On average, music students perform better onstandardized tests and have higher overall GPAs.
In one experiment, it was found that taking pianolessons even helped raised IQ significantly.

1. 音乐熏陶


Eat a good breakfast
A child's brain needs a proper balance of nutrientssuch as glucose, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, zinc, and folic acid.
Kids who eat breakfast have better memory and longerattention spans.
Whole grain cereals and oatmeal have been found to bea better start to the day than sugary cereals like Cap'n Crunch.
With toddlers, breastfeeding has been shown to improvehealth and intelligence.

2. 早餐要吃好

小孩的脑部发育需要许多营养物质,比如葡萄糖、铁、维他命AB、锌、叶酸(维生素B)。吃早餐的孩子记忆力好,注意力集中程度也较高。早餐最好是全谷类食品和燕麦片,而不是像Cap'n Crunch这样含糖的谷类食品。有证据证明,母乳喂养有助于提高孩子的抵抗力和智商。

Play Video Games
Studies show that video games can improve many skills.According to the UC Berkeley study, video games can improve:  
hand-eyecoordination,problemsolving ability,reasoning,patternrecognition,accuracy ofestimations,hypothesistesting,resourcemanagement,quickthinking and reacting,memory,spatialperception,judgmentcalls.   

3. 适当打打电子游戏


Limit television time
Of course, too much of anything can still be badthing. Kids still need time away from the TV to develop social skills and dohomework. For toddlers and infants, it has been found that TVhas no educational benefits for kids under 2.

4. 限制孩子看电视的时间


Unstructured play time should be mandatary
Unstructured playtime has always been an importantpart of "being a kid," but it is also crucial to a child'sdevelopment. Hovering and over-parenting is linked with psychological problems. "Free play" not only helps kids developcognitive and social skills, it also helps them develop into happy, healthyadults in the future.

5. 必须让孩子自由玩耍



20 minutes of exercise helps kids too
A Swedish study of over a million 18-year-olds showedthat fitness does relate to a person's IQ. The specifics of how exercise affects brain growth anddevelopment is unclear, but studies show that for 9 and 10-year-olds, 20minutes of exercise before a test significantly improves test scores.

6. 20分钟的体育锻炼


Reading with your kids
Reading has long been known as away to improve children's intelligence. Kids who are read to frequently developearlier writing and number skills as well. For parents who don't have as muchtime, just surrounding your kids with books goes a long way too.

7. 和孩子一起阅读


Put kids to bed early
Studies from a California-based group called SRIInternational show that kids with regular bedtimes are better at languages,math, and reading.
Preschool children should get at least eleven hours of sleep, and kids upto age 12 should try to get at least ten hours of sleep.

8. 让孩子早点睡觉


Praise good effort, not intelligence
Your kids may be smart, but you should focus yourpraise on the effort they put into succeeding at tasks. Kids who are praised onintelligence often feel it is a fixed trait, and mistakes or failures severelyhurt their self-confidence. Kids who are praised on effort often focus more onlearning, and are not afraid of a challenge, or to fail and try again.

9. 鼓励孩子多尝试,不要只注重结果


Learn a second language

Early studies in this field have preliminarily shownthat bilingual kids can focus better under pressure and focus better onrelevant information.Research is being done still, but many argue that thepeak of language learning ability ends before puberty.

It has been shown that young children canlearn new languages with nearly perfect fluency and pronunciation.

10. 学习一门外语


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- Tom - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
Scientists often cite the first ten years of a child'slife as the "window of opportunity." Everything at this time iscritical to improving the "wiring" of a person's brain.


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- Alfred.zhang - 河蟹娱乐
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前段时间中国虎妈写了本书推行她的教育方法,引起了很大的轰动和喧嚣. 她的女儿进了哈佛后,她又撰文写道,对孩子进行严格的纪律管理只是在5岁到12岁期间的策略,现在她根本不管她的女儿,让她自由发展. 不过,这篇后续文章已经不再被媒体关注了(关注的也只是中文媒体而已),新焦点又有啦. 今天加拿大电视台在全国新闻联播的时段,推出了“slow parenting”的节目.


- - 改变从这里开始 - 壹心理
家长们都很爱自己的孩子,而且常常将对孩子满腔的爱,化作了热切的希望——孩子能够比自己幸福,能够拥有一个无比顺利、无比灿烂的未来. 他们不愿意自己曾经吃过的苦,孩子重吃一遍;自己所经历的人生曲折,孩子再经历一次;自己失落的梦想,孩子又一次失落. 可是,他们如此深厚、如此强烈的爱,却未必能够得到孩子的回应,有时甚至还成了家庭悲剧的根源.


- Sky - 玩意儿
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- - 膘叔
这是一张来自微博的图片,我用微软的OCR解析了一下,可能不太正确,我也不深究了,想仔细看就点击小图看大图吧. 美国人带孩子的17个绝招  . 我在美国生了两个孩子,生育前后都有培训班,家庭医生每次洗  . 脑让我受益匪浅,我的两个宝宝在婴儿时期乖巧得好像家里没有  . 小婴儿,我甚至疑心她们会不会哭.


- - 在路上
夸孩子少用“你真棒”,如何夸孩子. “称赞,就像青霉素一样,绝不能随意用. 使用强效药有一定的标准,需要谨慎小心,标准包 括时间和剂量,因为可能会引起过敏反应. “宝宝真棒”,这样的表扬对家长来说真是轻车熟路. 在家长眼里,孩子的每一个成长细节都 是值得惊叹和赞美的——宝宝会笑了,宝宝会翻身了,宝宝会蹦了,宝宝说话了……就是在这种 不断的惊喜中,家长已经习惯于对着孩子说出“真棒!”、“真好!”这样的评价,甚至一句轻轻 的“啊”都充满着赞赏的语气.


- 三马 - ghosTBLOG
上周Mike找到我,问我是否有兴趣参加RubyVSPython的活动,我说最近很忙,能来就来,不过只能围观一下,不能参与到活动中去. Mike说没事,于是老夫夜观天象,一看有空,就专职打酱油去了,负责此次活动的Twitter直播和现在要写的活动记录. RubyVSPython的活动由GuruDigger.com主办,由盛大、豆瓣以及淘宝网赞助,活动官方网站是在http://rubyvspython.org.