
标签: 可可 饮料 大脑 | 发表时间:2011-12-23 14:54 | 作者:chiyaki

译者 chiyaki

Cocoa linked to better brain 'efficiency'

A new study suggests a cocoa drink a day could help boost the efficiency of your brain's working memory, but it's too early to say for sure.

The randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial, led by Dr David Camfield of the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University, was funded by a large chocolate manufacturer.


"It does provide preliminary evidence that [cocoa flavanols] can help people to do cognitive tasks more effectively," says Camfield, whose research is published in the journal Physiology & Behaviour.
Flavanols are chemicals found in plant foods, including grapes, apples, tea and cocoa and have been linked to a range of health benefits, says Camfield.
This latest study looked at the effect of cocoa flavanols on spatial working memory, which holds information in the brain and makes it available for further processing
Camfield says spatial working memory declines rapidly as people age.
His study involved 63 middle-aged volunteers aged between 40 and 65 years, who were asked to drink a chocolate drink each day for 30 days before being tested.
"We looked at brain imaging while people were doing a spatial working memory task," says Camfield.
Screen tests
In the task, volunteers looked at dots displayed on a screen. Then for about 3 seconds, the screen went blank and during that time the participant had to hold in their memory the location of the dots.
They were tested several times to see whether they could remember where the dots were.
The volunteers were divided into three groups. One group had a drink containing 500 milligrams of cocoa flavanols, a second group had a drink with 250 milligrams of cocoa flavanols and a third group had a placebo drink.
None of the groups knew exactly what they were drinking.
The tests were carried out before and after the 30-day treatment period and each time the researchers carried out imaging to check the brain's activation.
"We didn't find any differences in terms of accuracy or reaction time in terms of task itself, but we found differences in the brain activity," says Camfield.
Less brain power
Camfield says the frontal and posterior parietal areas of the brain involved in the task were less active in those consuming the cocoa flavanols.
"It's suggests that they were processing the tasks more efficiently when they were taking the cocoa flavanols," he says.


"I guess you could say they weren't working as hard doing the same task."
Camfield says the findings also suggest cocoa flavanols may guard against brain fatigue, but emphasises more research needs to be done.
The Centre for Human Psychopharmacology focuses on researching nutraceuticals, which are natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, for an ageing population. The centre receives funding from industry as well as the Australian Research Council.
He says while the study was funded by a chocolate company, it had no influence on how the study was carried out.
"They didn't have a role in how we did the science or analysed the data," says Camfield.
"Promising" findings
Sydney-based nutrition consultant, Nicole Senior says the findings are "promising" and add to other evidence showing chemicals in cocoa are good for the heart, but she says it's important to remember the pros and cons of chocolate.
"Chocolate carries with it a lot of kilojoules in a small and delicious package. Dark cocoa powder tops the list of cocoa foods with minimum nutritional downsides, which you can make into a drink," she says.


"Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate because it contains higher cocoa solids and antioxidant content and is also stronger in flavour and more satisfying so you can be happier with a small portion."
Useful insights
Dr Garry Egger who is a professor of health and human sciences at Southern Cross University says the study does not prove that a cup of hot chocolate a day will boost your memory.
"This is just a short-term study," says Egger.
In general, he is not a fan of the idea of people selectively eating particular foods to boost their health and abilities.
But, he says, the research is part of general trend towards testing the impact of isolated foods on human health, which provides useful insights into what makes up a healthy diet.
Egger says cocoa is an ancient food and has also been shown to reduce inflammation.
He says recent evidence suggests unprocessed foods that humans have evolved with over the long term are generally showing better effects on the body when tested in isolation.

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可可饮料可提高大脑效率   . A new study suggests a cocoa drink a day could help boost the efficiency of your brain's working memory, but it's too early to say for sure..


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流言: 阿联酋一个12岁女童因连续16个月使用同一个矿泉水瓶得了癌症,研究发现,塑料瓶里面有一种叫做PET的物质,这种物质使用一次是安全的,但如果你为了节俭或图方便而重复使用该类塑料瓶,就会受到癌症的威胁. PET的全名是聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(Polyethylene terephthalate)[1],是一种极为常用的树脂材料,在塑料分类标志(Resin identification code)中属于1类[2].


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