
标签: 野生生物 一周 生活 | 发表时间:2011-07-18 15:46 | 作者:flyzw AJ

来源The week in wildlife - in pictures | Environment | guardiancouk


01 A bighorn sheep at the Banff national park in Canadian Rockies

01 加拿大落基山脉上班夫国家公园里的大角羊


02摄影: Andrea Comas/Reuters

02 A butterfly on a lavender flower. Sir David Attenborough urged people to take part in a nationwide count of butterflies to help find out if the hot, dry spring has hit the insects.

02 落在薰衣草上的蝴蝶。大卫·爱登堡先生呼吁全国人民一起统计蝴蝶种类和数目,看看炎热干燥的春季是否对蝴蝶的生存造成了影响。


03摄影:Bullit Marquez/AP

03 The Philippines has warned against using geckos to treat Aids and impotence, saying the folkloric practice in parts of Asia may put patients at risk. Environmental officials have also expressed alarm about the growing trade in the wall-climbing lizards in the Philippines.

03 菲律宾人民警告不要用壁虎(小型蜥蜴的一种)去治疗艾滋病和阳痿,这种亚洲的民间偏方可能导致壁虎濒临灭绝。环保官员也提出警报,菲律宾的爬墙蜥蜴交易数不断上升。


04摄影:Paul Goldstein/Kicheche/Exodus Travels

04 A lion holding its cub in its mouth in the Masai Mara, which has the only growing population of lions in East Africa

04 在马赛马拉一只叼着幼兽的狮子,那里是东非唯一一个狮子数目上升的地方。


05摄影:Anup Shah/Fiona Rogers / Rex Fea/Rex Features

05 A 13-year-old male western chimpanzee disciplining playful three-year-old infant male in Mont Nimba, Guinea

05 在几内亚蒙特宁巴,一只13岁的雄性西方黑猩猩在教训一只开玩笑的3岁小黑猩猩。



06 A spotted deer inside a deer park in the premises of Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu

06 在加德满都的帕斯帕提纳神庙里的鹿园看到一只梅花鹿


07摄影: Franck Robichon/EPA

07 A carpenter bee collects pollen from a flower

07 一只木蜂在收集花粉


08摄影: Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

08 Ya Kwanza the 27-year-old silverback gorilla managed a few vanity close-ups of himself - before throwing the camera back at his keeper. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, based in Jersey in the Channel Islands, decided that their most photographed primate should turn the tables and become cameraman for the day.

08 27岁的银背大猩猩亚瓦泽臭屁地自拍了几张特写,才把相机扔回给饲养员。基于在英吉利海峡群岛的泽西岛上发生的这一幕,德雷尔野生生物保护信托基金决定,这位灵长类摄影高手应该当那天的摄影师。


09摄影:Indraneil Das/Conservation Inter/Conservation International

09 An adult female Sambas stream toad, or Bornean rainbow toad as it is also called. Conservationists have taken the first photographs of one of the world's most elusive amphibians, after it was found for the first time since the 1920s.

09 成年雌性桑巴斯溪蟾蜍,又叫婆罗洲彩虹蟾蜍。它是世界上行踪最难捉摸的两栖动物之一,自19世纪20年代第一次发现以来,这是自然资源保护者拍的第一张照片。


10摄影:Purbu Zhaxi/Corbis

10 An alpine plant on the south slope of the Himalayas, south-west China's Tibet Autonomous Region

10 在中国西南的西藏自治区,喜马拉雅山南侧的高山植物


11摄影:Zhao ZP/EPA

11 Herdsmen line up to spray a special herbicide to diminish the poisonous grassland flowers called Stellera chamaejasma L on a pasture in the Gonghe county, in north-west China's Qinghai province. The plant are said to deprive nearby plants of water and grow rampantly, destroying the grassland unless measures are taken against it.

11 在中国西北的青海省海南藏族自治州的牧场里,牧民排成一排,喷洒一种特殊的除草剂,除去名为瑞香狼毒的有毒草原野花。据说这种植物会把土壤中的水分吸光,让附近的植物无法生长,如果不采取措施加以控制,它将毁灭草原。



12 A whale shark swims in the Caribbean Sea in Isla Mujeres. The Whale Shark Annual Festival has been taking place in Isla Mujeres since 2008 to promote eco-tourism and the conservation of this species considered vulnerable under the IUCN red list of threatened species.

12 在加勒比海的女人岛附近游泳的鲸鲨。自2008年以来,女人岛每年都会举行鲸鲨节,以提倡生态旅游,保护这一被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)划入濒临灭绝物种名单的生物。


13摄影:Rick Sheremeta/Rex Features

13 An Alaskan brown bear nods off in the river after catching some salmon.

13 捉了几条大马哈鱼之后,这只阿拉斯加棕熊在河里打起盹来。



14 Critically endangered Amur leopards on video in Russia’s far east, caught in ‘video trap’ footage by the WWF

14 在俄罗斯远东地区拍摄的极度濒危物种远东豹,它被世界野生动物基金(WWF)设下的“录像陷阱”捉到了。


15摄影:Mike Heydon/AFP/Getty Images

15 A white kiwi. Hundreds of spectators awaited a glimpse of the rare white kiwi at New Zealand's Pukaha sanctuary. The bird is held sacred by the country's indigenous Maori people.

15 白几维鸟。许许多多的人在新西兰普卡哈神殿外等候,只为一瞥这只珍稀白几维鸟的芳容。当地的毛利人把这只鸟视为神鸟。


16摄影:David McNew/Getty Images

16 Pelicans fly to Mullet Island, one of the four Salton Buttes, small volcanoes on the southern San Andreas Fault, after sunset in California. Mullet Island, the only place for many thousands of island nesting birds to breed at the Salton Sea, will become vulnerable to attacks by predators such as raccoons and coyotes if the water level drops just a couple more feet.

16 在加利福尼亚州日落之后,一群鹈鹕飞往鲻鱼岛,它是沙顿四孤峰中的一个,是圣安德烈亚斯断层南部的一个小火山群。鲻鱼岛是沙顿海上唯一一个供鸟类筑巢繁殖的地方,但如果海平面再下降几英尺,岛上的鸟儿将容易受到浣熊、土狼等捕食者的攻击。



17 Distinctive rings around trees left by an oil spill are seen along the Yellowstone river, seven miles downstream from the site of a ruptured pipeline in Yellowstone County.

17 沿黄石河下游的树上有明显的油渍环,位于上游七英里、经过黄石国家公园的输油管破裂,造成石油泄漏。


18摄影:Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP

18 A pair of sarus cranes feed themselves in an agricultural field on the outskirts of Allahabad, India.

18 印度阿拉哈巴德郊区的农田上,一对丹顶鹤在觅食。


19摄影:MJ McGill/WWT

19 One of 17 spoon-billed sandpiper chicks that have hatched in a captive breeding scheme to bring the bird back from the brink of extinction. The team of experts led by staff at the WWT and Birds Russia is attempting to save the critically endangered sandpiper, one of the world's rarest birds, whose numbers had fallen to an estimated 120-200 pairs in the wild by 2009.

19 宽嘴鹬人工繁殖计划17只已孵化雏鸟中的一只,该计划为了拯救濒临灭绝的宽嘴鹬。由野禽和湿地保护信托基金(WWT)和俄罗斯鸟类保护组织(Birds Russia )领导的专业队伍正在尝试拯救这个极度濒危物种,它是世界上最稀有的鸟类,在2009年野生宽嘴鹬估计已下降至120-200对。








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