
标签: 错过 销售 更多 | 发表时间:2011-08-21 19:45 | 作者:colen王小邪 imacee

来源What You Need to Know to Sell More (Read very carefully!!)

What You Need to Know to Sell More (Read very carefully!!)

Do you have a hard time selling ? Keep reading if you want to learn how to double your sales. Many people spend time brushing up their sales techniques but spend less time really understanding on how to provide value while being authentic at the same time. In the beginning of my selling career I struggled selling and couldn’t really figure out what the problem was. As I started to improve and seeing more people every day, I found out exactly what the problem was.


FYI: All the external things that you think that are effecting your sales income is not the MAIN PROBLEM. THE PROBLEM IS WITHIN YOU. You have to understand the fundamentals of human interaction and improve the way that you communicate and deliver value to your clients. Please pay careful attention in the following paragraphs (This will wake you up!!)


Understanding Energy in Human Interaction


We are all made up of energy. The energy we put out to the world can make a major difference on the type of people that we attract into our lives. You can run around and cold call all day by using a sales script, but if you do not no how to be a real human being, you are never going to succeed at selling and attract clients in the long run. Smart clients or prospects can tell whether you are aligned with your purpose. This means that they can tell whether you are selling something just becasue you are forced to sell it or becasue you truly believe in it. When you have deep passion and purpose for the product you are selling , your body’s energy level will be at peak. You will feel the energy at an emotional level when you are making your sales presentations. Your prospect will feel your energy as well.


Ask yourself, are you aligned with your purpose (WHAT IS YOUR MISSION IN LIFE??). Many people sell shit that they don’t really care about (I hope that is not you by the way). What ends up happening is that they think that if they can make that quick commision than it doesn’t really matter what they sell (Very bad philosophy). This is why many people spend their whole life looking for clients and skipping from job to job. If you are not aligned with your core purpose (The person that you are deep within), you are going to be selling products that you have no passion for. Your clients will feel it as well. They know whether you are aligned with who you truly are .


My purpose in life is to wake up everyday and make someone else’s life better. This is my VALUE AT CORE. This is who I am and I am never going to change becasue there is full alignment in my life…


I sell Direct Marketing and make sure what I am selling is going to HELP my client’s business


I  blog to HELP people improve the quality of their lives


I just recorded an audio program to HELP people double their happiness.


Notice how I mentioned the word HELP in caps above. It is because this is my mission in life and I am fully aligned with it. When I go meet clients everyday, they can feel my authenticity becasue I am fully aligned. Your job is to find out what your purpose is in life and then align yourself with your purpose. When you are full aligned with your life purpose, clients and other people will repsond to you in a postive way. You will also get referrals and repeat orders (Becasue you are the super COOL person that is real).


Want to Know What Will Give You Repeat Orders?


Start giving 10 times more value than what the customer expects from you (I am not kidding!!). Go out of your way to provide as much value as possible. If you are selling a product that is worth $50, give it to your first time customer for $20. So what if you don’t make a profit. This is how you build long term relationships with your clients. They will like the fact that you don’t really care about the money in the beginning. The next time you come out with a $500 product, they won’t mind paying that price because they will remember the time that you sold them a $50 product for $20. Stop being a GREEDY PIG.


Want to know how else you can get repeat orders and double your sales?


WHY ARE YOU FORGETTING ABOUT FACE TIME WITH CLIENTS?? I go see all my clients face to face when they call me. I don’t care if I have to spend a lot of money on gas. When clients have shook your hand and see a real person in front of them rather than talking to a robot on the phone, they will feel comfortable spending with you (They will spend MORE MONEY with you in the future by the way!!).  Get your ass of your office chair and get face to face. If you suffer from approach anxiety, browse my blog categories and click on confidence or/and communication skills to learn more about how to get rid of this irritating feeling.


Okay, time for you to apply this. GO SELL.









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