
标签: 大便 健康 超级食物 | 发表时间:2011-08-12 10:53 | 作者:miffy1013 Robert

来源10 Seriously Cheap Superfoods

On a shoestring budget? Try these wallet-friendly health heroes.




Few foods can hold a candle to this leafy green. Kale is full of vitamins, minerals and health-enhancing antioxidants. Indeed, kale's filling fiber, bone-building calcium and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help support the body's natural detox system, getting rid of harmful compounds that are thought to cause cancer, heart disease and other serious ills. And what a bargain it is too, at just about 60 cents a cup.


Plus, kale is easy to prepare. Simply remove the center ribs of its leaves, then slice it into thin ribbons. Add this healthful pick to soups and stews in the last 20 minutes of cooking, or sauté it with a splash of olive oil for a delicious side dish.


Sweet Potatoes


Eating this brilliant vegetable is like giving your body a beauty treatment, thanks to its high concentration of beta carotene (the healthful antioxidant that gives this spud its orange hue). Beta carotene, which has been shown to help every cell in the body stay healthy, also happens to be a skin-targeted nutrient.


Studies have shown it neutralizes wrinkle and sun spot-spurring damage from the sun and helps generate new, healthy glowing skin cells. Sweet potatoes are also packed with a slew of figure-friendly fiber and energizing B-vitamins -- all for just 43 cents a serving. Bake them whole or mash them with a bit of milk.


Dried Cranberries


Who needs expensive, over-hyped, tropical fruit when you can get serious healing power from a home-grown variety for a fraction of the price? Dried cranberries rank among the highest antioxidant contents of any fruit, which means they may help reduce cancer and heart disease risk.


Plus, they contain unique compounds that help prevent urinary tract and other pesky infections. What's more, far from making a dent in your wallet, dried cranberries cost mere pocket change -- just 50 cents a cup. Toss them into salads, bake them into muffins or toss them into your morning cereal.


Low-Fat Milk


Moo juice is so common that we tend to overlook its power and value. Here's a friendly reminder: One eight-ounce glass of milk is chock-full of nine essential nutrients, many of which most of us fall short, including bone-building calcium, heart-healthy potassium, and vitamin D.


All for about a quarter a glass! Besides drinking milk straight-up, nice and cold, you can use it for lattes, in smoothies and in hot cocoa. Put it in your morning cereal or use it for puddings. Be sure to buy non-fat or 1 percent low-fat products to reap its potent health power for the fewest calories.


Pinto Beans


Don't be fooled by their small size, pinto beans pack a huge nutritional punch. They are loaded with figure-friendly protein, filling fiber, energizing B vitamins and heart-helping antioxidants. In fact, pinto beans take the budget super-food prize because they have one of the highest antioxidant counts of all beans and cost the least, a mere 13 cents a cup. Add pinto beans to your favorite chili recipe or mash them with some chicken broth, sautéed onion and garlic for a creamy side dish. The pinto possibilities are endless.


Whole Eggs


At only 70 calories and 20 cents each, eggs are one of the best nutritional bargains around. They are protein packed and a top dietary source of choline, an essential vitamin that has been shown to promote brain health. They are also loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, potent antioxidants which have been shown to enhance eye health.


Note: Most of the vitamin and minerals in eggs are stored in its yolks so if you only spoon up their whites you'll miss out. Just stick to no more than seven whole eggs a week (to keep your cholesterol in check) and strive to eat them boiled or poached instead of fried. One simple way to squeeze them in: Hard boil a few eggs at the start of the week so you have them on hand for a quick and healthy snack.


Black Tea


Surprise: You don't have to spend big bucks on fancy teas to get a potent health punch. Regular black tea can easily fit the bill. Why? It's packed with flavanoids (protective compounds that neutralize health-damaging particles called free-radicals) therefore, helping the health of every cell in our bodies.


Plus, studies show tea sippers have less skin wrinkling as they age. So drink up! Up to six cups a day is suggested -- iced or hot. At only 5 cents per tea bag you can afford to. Just keep sweeteners to a minimum so you don't add empty calories to your cup. Sensitive to caffeine? Keep your tea intake to early in the day, since decaf and herbal varieties don't offer the same flavanoid benefits.




There's an array of costly grains with super-food status in today's markets, but there's one inexpensive health hero you most likely already have in your cupboard -- oatmeal. Simple rolled oats are packed with essential minerals like immune-boosting zinc, magnesium and iron as well as chock-full of protective antioxidants called flavanoids that have been shown to reduce disease-causing inflammation in the body.


But their real star power comes from their fiber. Oats are one of the top sources of soluble-fiber, the kind that can help sweep cholesterol out of the body and help keep blood sugar from rising too quickly. Buy plain oatmeal and gussy it up yourself for breakfast with fruit or simply sub in oats instead of breadcrumbs in your favorite meatloaf or meatball recipe.


Canned Salmon


Good news: You can have all the benefits of wild salmon at a fraction of the cost by buying canned salmon. Fresh or canned, experts say a four-ounce portion of salmon provides a day's worth of omega-3 fatty acids, the beneficial fat that has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.


This food also provides the daily value for vitamin D, while supplying other important minerals. Both fresh wild and canned salmon are also low in contaminants, such as mercury and PCBs. Use canned salmon just as you would use canned tuna: Flake it into your summer pasta salad or mix it with a touch of mayo, mustard, lemon juice, chopped onion and celery and serve it on a sandwich.




Just one cup of this luscious fruit gives you 80 percent of the daily value for immune-boosting vitamin C, 25 percent of vitamin A (in its antioxidant form, beta-carotene), 7 percent potassium and 3 grams of filling fiber, not to mention all the healing power you get from its wealth of phenols, plant compounds that have potent antioxidant activity. You get this huge health bang all for just 110 calories and about 50 cents.


To properly prep a mango, first slice a bit off its bottom so the fruit stands upright on your cutting board. Then, cut straight down along both sides of the pit to remove the fruit. Afterwards, just peel and cut into slices or chunks. Two other suggestions: Try blending mango with a carton of yogurt, a handful of ice and a touch of honey for a tasty smoothie or serving it as a salad sliced with avocado and red onion with a squeeze of lime.









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- Robert - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源10 Seriously Cheap Superfoods. 来试试这些荷包友好型的健康英雄们吧~. 少有蔬菜能与这种多叶绿色植物比肩. 羽衣甘蓝富含维他命、矿物质以及增进健康的抗氧化物. 事实上的,甘蓝能饱肚的纤维、筑建骨骼的钙以及有益心脏健康的Ω-3脂肪酸已被证明可帮助支持人体的天然排毒系统,摆脱那些可能导致癌症、心脏病及其他恶疾的有害化合物.


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手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏 (图).  下面这几张图显示了,咱们的手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏. 按摩的时候,对准穴位下力,才能对我们身体有益.  如图所示,比如我们的脚趾分别代表了我们眼睛和耳朵,而整个脚底就相当于人体身体的主干.  身体是革命的本钱,学会了自己给自己按摩一下吧.  肾是人体重要脏器之一,乃先天之本.


- Marc - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
欢迎关注Mayo健康指南,该项目的宗旨是介绍权威健康知识,共享健康生活. 健康不是一切,但没有健康就没有一切,让我们一起来关注健康知识,自身受益的同时,也造福他人. 所有信息暂时来自Mayo医疗中心官网. Mayo医学中心是美国非盈利性的医疗和科研机构,包含70多家医院和诊所,遍布于明尼苏达州、爱荷华州和威斯康星洲.


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- yu - 科学松鼠会
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