
标签: av 性生活 | 发表时间:2011-10-30 09:40 | 作者:kffkenshin shangxue

译者 kffkenshin

Young men in their 20s apparently have no groove in bed — and it's all because they're addicted to pornography, according to a report in Psychology Today.

   据《今日心理学》‘Psychology Today’报道,因为AV,现在二十出头的年轻人显然不会觉得性爱枯燥。

But the problem is much more serious than simply either being good or bad in the sack, it's a  physiological   issue causing a new generation of men to lose their libidos 30 years sooner than expected.
  但是不能简单的把问题看做是好还是坏. 这样的生理现象导致新生代男同胞力比多的丧失比预期早30年。
How did this happen?


According to the report, overexposure to sexually explicit images and video have caused men to lose interest in ordinary sexual encounters — including experiences with a real woman:


Today's users can force [their] release by watching porn in multiple windows, searching endlessly, fast-forwarding to the bits they find hottest, switching to live sex chat, viewing constant novelty, firing up their mirror neurons with video action and cam-2-cam, or escalating to extreme genres and anxiety-producing material. It's all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


After a period of time, excessive porn watchers overstimulate a neurochemical in their bodies called dopamine — the drive behind every "want" and "desire" that humans feel we need to "overcome." But with your libido in constant drive mode, your dopamine reaction will become numb and, eventually, you won't be aroused by the same experiences as before.
This occurrence is similar to veteran drug-users describing their need for stronger mind-inducing chemicals in order to receive the same "high" they once had. In the same way, porn-addicted men will need more extreme sexual experiences to feel the same kind of arousal.


It's an endless cycle and if you think Viagra will help, you're wrong.


Sexual-enhancement drugs work by breaking down a blood vessel dilator called cGMP and this is what causes an erection. If your libido is over worked, the drugs can only cause a physical erection, but a pleasurable sensation cannot be achieved.


The only cure is to avoid internet erotica at all costs, but this will be "one of the most difficult things you've ever done," says the study.


In order to have "normal" sex again, a "reboot" period — six to 12 weeks — is needed by completely letting go of your pornographic nature. Addicts can experience a temporary loss of libido altogether as well as "insomnia, irritability, panic, despair, concentration problems, and even flu-like symptoms."


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[IT业界特快] AV正在毁灭我们的性生活

- 罗智中 - 水木社区 今日十大热门话题
发信人: Lan (懒), 信区: ITExpress. 标 题: AV正在毁灭我们的性生活. 发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Oct 30 23:57:16 2011), 站内.  据《今日心理学》‘Psychology Today’报道,因为AV,现在二十出头的年轻人显然不会觉得性爱枯燥.   但是不能简单的把问题看做是好还是坏.


- shangxue - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
Young men in their 20s apparently have no groove in bed — and it's all because they're addicted to pornography, according to a report in Psychology Today..


- Aaron Xu - 果壳网 guokr.com - 果壳网
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- saiddy - 宅映像
由AV剪辑出来的视频片段,配上当前流行的各种广告的声音,要怎么YD就怎么荡漾,要怎么牛逼,就怎么花式……算了,我不解释了,大家自己看吧@. 一点小囧:今天我给电脑做体检了. 日剧山寨明星与范冰冰、刘德华、刘谦的那些事儿. 标签:AV, 囧, 广告, 恶搞, 搞笑, 艺术.


- anant - 果壳网 guokr.com - 果壳网
在网络尚未普及时,也就是1995年之前,青少年不容易接触色情作品. 而现在,只要轻击鼠标,任何人都可以免费浏览海量图片、小电影. 这一变化引发了保守人士的极度担忧:他们认为现在的青少年正在被随处可见的X级图片所侵蚀. 相比于上世纪90年代,现在的青少年发生性行为和性侵犯的比例有大幅下降,而使用安全套的比例则有上升.


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- YES - 山寨の视频 Kusoing.Com
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- starry heavens - 萝卜网
这是一个自传电影,非常的长,很深刻的解剖了日本的AV界,让我们也更了解那个圈子里的事情. 因为盗链严重,而我们服务器带宽有限,所以图片设置了防盗链,请见谅. 如果您的阅读器看不到图片,请订阅 http://feed.luobo8.com/ 即可显示图片. 部分文章附有精彩小视频,如果您的阅读器无法观看视频,请移步原文链接: http://zhi.ma/138/.