
标签: 长寿 减肥 | 发表时间:2012-02-21 15:38 | 作者:Shawsister

译者 Shawsister

Starving yourself on alternate days can make you live longer, according to scientists.


A group of Americans have said that fasting on and off can boost brain power and help to lose weight at the same time.


The National Institutes for Aging said their research was based on giving animals the bare minimum of calories required to keep them alive and results showed they lived up to twice as long.


Empty plate


Nothing for me today: Starving yourself on alternate days can make you live longer, according to scientists


The diet has since been tested on humans and appears to protect the heart, circulatory system and brain against age-related diseases like Alzheimer's.


'Dietery energy restriction extends lifespan and protects the brain and cardiovascular system against age-related disease,' said Mark Mattson, head of the laboratory of neurosciences at the NIA and professor of neuroscience at John Hopkins University in Baltimore.


'We have found that dietary energy restriction, particularly when administered in intermittent bouts of major caloric restriction, such as alternative day fasting, activates cellular stress response pathways in neurones,' he said to the Sunday Times.

马克在接受周日日报采访时说: “我们发现膳食能量限制,尤其是对于主要热量限制而进行的断续摄入的管理,例如隔日空腹禁食,能激活细胞应激反应通路神经元。”

In one set of experiments, a group of mice were only fed on alternate days while others were allowed to eat daily.


Both groups were given unlimited access to food on the days they were allowed to eat and eventually consumed the same amount of calories.


Professor Mattson said he found the mice fed on alternate days were more sensitive to insulin and needed to produce less of it.


High levels of the hormone, which is produced to control sugar levels after a meal or snack, are usually associated with lower brain power and are at a higher risk of diabetes.


The brains from both sets of rodents were then examined and Professor Mattson said he found the calorie restricted diets appeared to improve the function of brain synapses.


These are the junctions between brain cells which promote the generation of new cells and make them more resistant to stress.


Previous research has found that starving yourself for a few days can help in the fight against cancer.


Scientists found that depriving healthy cells of the food they need sends them into a survival mode, making them highly resistant to stress and damage caused from chemotherapy.


Experts have described the behaviour similar to animals waiting out the winter by hibernating.


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坏消息:一般来说,每人每年体重平均增加2磅(0.9公斤). 好消息:每天减少100卡热量摄入,就可保持体重不变. 如果你今天才知道这一点,并且你希望再把自己的体重减轻一些,那么你需要每天减少500卡的热量摄入,但这并非都是从你的一日三餐中扣除的. “你也可以少吃250卡,再多烧掉250卡——走上30~40分钟.


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来源Top 10 Resolutions for Longevity. 我们所有的人都可以提高过一个健康长寿生活的机率. 现在花点时间选择其中一种秘诀,然后实施. 现在和若干年后你将会感觉好极了. 茶,特别是绿茶,含有的抗氧化剂可以帮助阻止对你身体的伤害. 每天喝几杯茶帮助延长你的生命和让你每天更轻松.